Wednesday, May 21, 2008
SEACC, jobs, mining, Coeur,
OK, I have been enjoying outdoor time lately and have been too tired each night to get a post up.
Back to SEACC...I've been researching a bit about their "successes."
If you go to their site: they proudly boast about taking down our two pulp mills in Southeast Alaska. Costing hundreds of jobs instantly and thousands of Alaskan jobs that are related to the timber industry. Costing us millions in tax dollars and millions in money that would have been spent supporting our local businesses.
I grew up in Ketchikan and Juneau and let me tell you...The people that held those pulp mill jobs and the lumberjacks themselves took great pride in the job they were doing. They took great pride in the fact they were harvesting an incredible renewable resource. They took pride in the fact they were providing timber and paper to Americans so we wouldn't be dependent on Asian timber and pulp.
Now, thanks to SEACC millions of acres of trees are being destroyed in Asia and Siberia with no chance of recovery because they are being managed by corrupt governments and aren't being reseeded. There is no regulation over there.
If you go to the lands that Louisiana Pacific harvested back in the 70's and 80's around Ketchikan they are ready to be harvested again.
I ask you this: "How in the world is SEACC helping when you look at it from this perspective?"
They will show you some propoganda photos of some clear cut areas on Chichigof and Admiralty Islands where one of the Native Corporations did some irresponsible cutting.
Nothing but propoganda and it couldn't be further from the truth.
Now, here in Juneau and surrounding villages we are getting the same kind of treatment.
Soon we will be dependent on nothing but tourism because they won't stop with Kensington.
They have been quietly working behind the scenes to stop the road. They move money around amonsgt their other partner companies: Earthjustice, Sierra Club, Alaska Society of American Forest Dwellers, Chichagof Conservation Council Customary, Traditional Gathering Council of Kake, Friends of Berners Bay, Friends of Glacier Bay, Juneau Audubon Society, Lisianski Inlet Resource Council, Lower Chatham Conservation Society, Lynn Canal Conservation, Narrows Conservation Coalition, Prince of Wales Conservation League, Sierra Club, Juneau Group, Sitka Conservation Society, Taku Conservation Society, Tongass Conservation Society, Wrangell Resource Council or the Yakutat Resource Conservation Council...
My guess is that most of these locals aren't that gullible and SEAC has set up these "local" groups to sound more powerful...
They even have a program calling for their members to make them the beneficiaries to their life insurance policies, wills, retirement plans, and get this...they want fishermen to pass on their IFQ's! HAHAHAHA...(Wiping tears away)
The biggest challenge we face as Juneauites and Alaska Natives is that we all have families to support and activities to do with our kids. Basically, we have life to live....
SEACC's "job" is to defeat our ability to make our lives better by preventing development in mining and timber.
They have teams of lawyers writing grant applications...They claim to be a "non-profit" and have accountants cooking the books to keep up the appearance...They have folks that get a hold of young, maleable minds and coerce them into thinking that by coming up here and fighting the "good" fight that they doing a noble, worthwhile thing...
I guess the least these young granolas could do would be to at least shower once a week...
I am forwarding this post to Russel Heath and giving him a chance to respond...I will post anything he sends me...propoganda or not.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Here's this taken directly from the KINY Radio website:
NEW - Palin proposes $1.2 Billion energy relief program. Governor Palin is proposing a two pronged approach to providing Alaskans energy relief in a $1.2 Billion program that she'll propose to the Legislature to fund.
The program calls for grants to electric utilities and debit cards to Permanent Fund Dividend recipients for the next 12 months. The amount allocated for children’s benefits will accrue to the card of the sponsor on their PFD application. Money not used on the card one month will carry over to the next month. It is expected that the amount available to individuals through the card will be considered income by the IRS. The temporary Energy Debit Card can be used for purchases from Alaska energy vendors, such as heating oil distributors, natural gas utilities, electric utilities, gas stations and other retail fueling stations.
The governor says returning surplus funds through grants to the utilities will reduce in a 60 percent reduction for all rate payers. She says the benefit will flow to homeowners, renters, schools, government, and businesses.A review by the Department of Law indicates that there should be no federal income tax consequence since the grants act to offset the revenue collected by utilities.
In addition, there will be conservation incentives for the utilities. For every 1 percent reduction in 2008 kilowatt hour sales from 2007 sales, the state will make a year-end contribution for capital energy projects to the utility. "The state treasury is swelling, while family check books are evaporating," the Governor says. "The right thing to do is to return surplus monies to the resources owners through energy relief. "The grant to electric utilities is expected to be $475 million, while the Energy Debit Card totals are forecast to be $729 million. The Governor has proposed this energy relief plan for one year.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
It seems our lady Sara has decided to send the Legislature back to the drawing board to rethink some energy relief for the whole state...I knew Mr. Meyer would suffer...If you don't remember, it was Kevin "the Douche Bag" Meyer that said we shouldn't add some money to the PFD for all Alaskans...Even in light of our massive oil profits surplus...
This is from a past post here:
"Rep. Kevin Meyer, R-Anchorage, helped stop one bill in the House Finance Committee that would have given every Alaskan an extra $500 on their Permanent Fund Dividend, saying he wanted to avoid the creation of new entitlement programs."
At the time, like many Alaskans, I was furious...You can look at my post from April 19th to find out what we all thought of this dipsh*t then...
The best part of all this of course is that they have to have a special session this summer! LOL!
Eat sh*t Mr. Meyer for not using some of our surplus when we needed it the most you...
Here's yesterdays story from the Anchorage Daily News:
Can you believe Exxon?
They have the nerve to sue us for lost future revenue to the tune of $800 million! After tying up their oil spill lawsuit for 20 years they decided to sue us when we made their leases go bye-bye because they didn't follow the agreement they had signed to develop these oil and gas leases within a reasonable amount of time...
I say we banish them from doing business in our state!
Read this if you can stomach it...
Drug Dealer Denied Bail...
How sad that he was supposed to be a big time drug dealer but was born too stupid to be successful in this endeavor...The scariest part is that if he would have made bail, he would have been allowed to work as a home appraiser? Wonder how many jobs he cased doing that?
Monday, May 12, 2008
1. If you smoke or chew tobacco, you can quit. A pack a day habit costs at least $6.00 per day. That's around $200 per month. $400 if there's two smokers in the house.
2. If you drink alcohol you can quit or cut back. A twelve pack is usually at least $10. If you drink every night, probably about 4-5 beers per person so figure $5.00 per day. That's $150 per month. $300 if there's two drinkers in the house.
3. If you smoke weed, you can quit or cut back. Figure an 1/8 of an house cost about$70-$80. Probably lasts about 5-6 days. So for the sake of simplicity say you buy four bags a month. Probably at least $300. Two dope smokers in the house...$600 per month.
4. If you go to fast food or eat out a lot the best thing to do is to not eat out at all. Figure at least $10 per day, per person, per meal time. A family of four eating out is at lest $50 per meal. Do that once per week and your looking at $200 per month. Your still gonna spend some of that money to eat but lets say your gonna save at least 70% or almost $150 per month.
5. Bring a lunch to school or work. You gotta figure at least $10 per day per adult. Two working adults going to A&P every day for lunch is probably around $100 per week so by bringing lunch you can easily save at least $300 per month for a couple. Gotta figure it'll cost around $100 for the same amount of food prepared at home.
6. If you can't afford the car payments on a new car, the stupidest thing you can do is be making payments on one. Or two for some families...Status doesn't mean sh*t when it comes to what car you drive. The moment you drive that car off the lot, you've lost. Looks good, feels nice, smells good...Really, who cares!
These are just some ideas of mine that I was thinking about while eating dinner. I know we've all become accustomed to our ways of living. I just think any little idea you can find will help out right now.
Luckily for me I haven't used tobacco in about 18 months, I haven't smoked weed in at least ten years, I don't drink, I bring a lunch to work every day(so does my son), my biggest vice is probably eating out. (We love us some Sandpiper). We do have one car payment but I can proudly say it's a used car.
So for us so far the biggest challenges have been not using the dryer or the oven. We've made a weekly trip to the laundry mat to dry our clothes. We use the BBQ almost every night. We generally only have either the TV "or" the computer on. We never have more than one light on.
I guess I can ramble on all night here.
I think the bottom line is there is a lot of stuff we can give up. So as one person I know said..."You could be in Iraq!"
How come we can't get a little help but Sarah's willing to throw money away at villages that need relocating? This is even dumber than rebuilding New Orleans in the same spot. Basically, spend millions now, so we can spend billions later. You've got to read this story from the ADN!
I'm starting to trust her less and less...All we're looking for is a temporary reprieve. Any little bit could have made a difference, especially in light of our state surplus from oil revenue. If anything lil miss Ashley should direct most of her anger at Gov. Sarah and less on AEL&P.
I apologize for this but an individual can't stop hacking the site and putting some very disturbing pictures on here and acting like it's me. I guess they can say they win...
The big Rally actually turned out a couple of hundred people..?
I guess everyone needs someone to be responsible when things go horribly wrong. I have to admit that they made some very valid points...
"I didn't think it would get so big," said project leader and rally instigator Ashley Richardson. There is a group of people affected by disaster pricing on electricity in Juneau, she said. Richardson was referring to the middle class, which is expected to receive no help from state or local governments.
Though household income disqualifies Richardson from assistance, she said her family - with three loans out already - lives check to check and cannot afford the rake hike any more than those living in poverty.
"No one is going to help us," she said. "I have to choose between heating my house or feeding my 1½-year-old." borrowed from the Empire story...
AEL&P employee is assaulted!
You stupid f*ck! Someone needs to dish out some good old fashioned "life lesson" to this boy. I hope we get to learn a name here. I'm almost at a loss for words. Some folks on the "other" blog are saying it didn't really happen and that AEL&P manufactured the story to divert attention...LOL...Yeah, and we didn't really land on the moon and the Holocaust didn't really happen...
Charity available through grants program
The United Way of Southeast Alaska and Catholic Community Services have rolled out their residential grant program, which they call Juneau Unplugged...
Qualifying income levels for grants
Number in household Gross annual income
1 $26,000
2 $35,000
3 $44,000
4 $53,000
5 $62,000
6 $71,000
7 $80,000
• For information and help applying, call 463-6130.
• Applications available online at and at the public libraries, city hall and Catholic Community Services, 419 Sixth St.
Happy Mothers Day!
For all you moms out there...Thank you! I hope you had a really nice day yesterday...It's for one of the Mothers out there that I did yard work for the last couple of days and barely complained at all...
Friday, May 9, 2008
SEACC's economic affect on our community is magnetized by our energy crisis!
This is the bottom line: They are costing us good paying, long term jobs that would stimulate Juneau's economy. We were all set to open the most environmentally sound mine in history that would have already provided hundreds of very good paying jobs, pumping millions of dollars into our economy...
Then along came SEACC...Like a cancerous wart on the heartbeat of our town...They won't go away. If you don't believe they haven't negatively affected you, your family, or your business then you are probably a trust fund baby or still living with mom....Or worse yet, you came up to Alaska fresh out of college because some liberal professor somewhere "encouraged" you to go up there and join "the movement." Like sheep you flocked up here stupidly...
Anyways, can you imagine if the mine had gone through a few years ago...The road would have been built at a much lower cost...Now it's gonna cost billions, and make no mistake, it will get built...The only folks making money now are the attorneys getting paid on both sides and the SEACC board as they continue to get misguided funds from people that are so clueless they think Hilary Clinton would make a good president...
Vic Kohring got 3 1/2 years...
Almost makes you wonder whats gonna happen to the folks that ratted all these guys out? Dang people, if your gonna be bribed, make it for some real money! We're talking less than $1000 most times he went to the well...He deserves more time for being that stupid...My momma always says if your gonna steal something it better be worth a million dollars or more cuz if you get better have enough stashed for when you get out...
For more really good coverage go here:
Looks like there might be some relief for most of us!
Juneau Unplugged prepares application for assistance with electric bills.
The United Way has contracted with Catholic Community Services to implement the program to help the most vulnerable Juneau residents pay their higher electric bills.
One million dollars was initially appropriated by the Assembly. Another one point five million is potentially available depending on how many apply. The applications were finished Thursday and will be available at Saturday's Reenergizing Juneau Forum at the Mendenhall Mall.
Former City Manager Kevin Ritchie is heading up the Juneau Unplugged program. He says applications will be accepted after May 16. In the meantime, its an opportunity for eligible households to review it and get the income verification ready to submit along with their electric bill and the application.
The guideline for eligibility is 200 percent of the federal poverty guideline adjusted for Alaska. That means a single person household could up to $26,000 per year and a family of four could earn up to $54,000.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Hmmm, wonder what they hope to accomplish with that? Although I am not one to protest, she makes some valid points..? Maybe...Ashley Richardson is with the Juneau People Powers Project, they aren't saying to not pay the bills, they are saying to not pay the extra $0.40 per gallon...
They're circulating a petition and hoping that enough signatures might make a difference...Hmmm, They're planning said rally on the steps of the capitol building for Friday at 3:00pm...Be there or be...normal?
She says it's not our fault that AEL&P was not insured(they've stated they couldn't get insurance and by the way, the state owns the transmission lines) and that it's not our fault that AEL&P wasn't "keeping up on this avalanche?" What can I say to that...
I think Ashley needs to call Al Gore...
Al Gore blames cyclone in Myanmar on global warming!
Here's the link:
This is real and he is an attention whore for this latest charade. Hasn't been in the news in a few months. Next we'll have some local authority blaming the avalanche on global warming...All I can say is thank God he didn't run for president...
Hip hip hooray...For she's a jolly good fellow...She hasn't admitted it yet but, let's face it. She's toast...To coin a phrase from my buddy over at
Now if we could only sub Fred Thompson for john McCain, I might actually get excited about voting republican...Even considering Nader, why not, I'm feeling sick this morning anyways.
Tata Ray Metcalfe
He had to bow out of the race for Don Youngs sit amid the Ethan Berkowitz flap...They just can't take a joke can they Ray...Poor Berky...You can still find that pic on though...hehehe,
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I neutered my cat and now he's a liberal...
That is a bumper sticker I saw yesterday as I was leaving my favorite downtown restaurant(Sand Piper). I couldn't stop laughing...My woman thought it was sexist and I was too giggly to try and explain that I thought it wasn't...Maybe it is...But it's still funny!
The rest of the state doesn't care!
We can keep trying to get "disaster relief" till the cows come home and they will continue to not give a sh*t...Why should they? According to one of my fellow bloggers..."what happens in Juneau, stays in Juneau..." ala Senator Jacko I guess...Oh well, f*ck em' maybe we should secede from the rest of the state...Make our own rules...Kick SEACC out...Kick Mertz out...Kick Bothello out...Boot our "legislative team" out...
Anyone have anymore suggestions?
Anyways...I thought I'd fill you in on a couple of earlier posts...
First of all I haven't heard back directly from Connie at the Empire
But I have heard from a couple of her colleagues. One directly and anonymously supports us over here. It seems in a very misguided way some of the higher ups actually consider this blog a threat...Huh?
Her email address is actually available online:
If you want to tell her your opinion or tell her what a pompous *ss I am...
Now indirectly someone seems to think it's a jab to post the names of other blogs down in my comments sections. I'm here to tell you that stuff like that will always be ok with me. In fact I found this gem of a blog if you want to see how much they care about us up north...
Actually some good reading...
The other update I wanted to pass on was the Energy assistance information I provided links for...
I went there and much to my chagrin the updated income levels that were provided me by our Juneau Legislative team aren't appearing yet. I was told because my family makes more than $38,730 I don't qualify yet according to the memo I received from Juneau'sLegislativeSession :
The legislature recently passed House Bill 152, which provided a substantial amount of state funds for a state-funded heating assistance program. This program will be available in the fall and will provide assistance to families who make between 150% and 225% of the Federal Poverty Level adjusted for Alaska, listed in the table below.
Meaning I would qualify if my family of four made less than $60k per year. I fired off an email inquiring about said funds and haven't received word yet. The links are as follows:
For an application you can go here.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Lew Williams passed away yesterday at 83...If you don't know who he was you missed out on the greatest Alaskan Journalist in my lifetime. He was respected in many circles and even the left-wingers respected him.
He was the main reason I kept reading the Empire. At one point in his life he represented what a Democrat was supposed to be before the anti this and that movements forced him to jump party lines for the sake of common sense. He watched organizations like SEACC and the Sierra Club destroy one of our most valuable renewable resources...The timber industry. With that destroying the economies of several of the towns he loved.
It is in his memory that we should fly the flag at half mast and raise a toast to "Piss on SEACC!"
Here's to you Lew, you will be missed...
I hereby apologize to Mr. John stone:
Here is an email exchange Between us:
No, I did not say that. You got the wrong guy. David Stone, the Assembly member, pointed out that the avalanche destroyed 100 year old, old growth trees. He also mentioned global warming. You should talk to him.
From: Coffindancer]Sent: Mon 5/5/2008 4:34 PMTo: John StoneSubject: Is this true?
Just wanted to give you an opportunity to respond to this allegation that you were foolish enough to state in an assembly meeting that it was possible the avalanche was caused by global warming or...because old growth was removed for the transmission lines...
I heard it from a reliable source that you in fact did state this but have not found the minutes yet from said meeting.
If you stand by this then thats life...If it's not then I will correct this.
Yikes! This is a lesson in blogging to check my sources "first." I apologized to Mr. Stone and will rip apart my fisherman source...Hee Haw, I'm dumb *ss. I guess that's what media types go to school for...Whoops...blushing heavily this morning...Finally got my big foot out of my mouth...
Looking over my shoulder for a big hairy woman...With a man-do!
If anyone knows this woman, tell her to shave her legs...If you don't know what I'm talking about then read yesterdays comments...I may have myself a stalker...Gulp!
I lay here this morning at 5:00 am wondering how big my bill really is gonna be...Have we done enough to keep costs down? Are they really gonna want that $700-$800 right away? Is anybody gonna really come through for Juneau? Are the $0.52 kwh only gonna be this month? Is it really gonna go down again by the end of the summer?
The short answer to all those questions is: Nobody knows...All kinds of speculation and probables but know one knows for sure. One thing I do know for sure is that assistance from the state is available now for some people above the poverty level at this site:
It used to be a family of four had to make less than $38,730 to qualify, now that same family of four can qualify if they make less than $59,625.
You can download the application at:
The program will also be administered by the Division of Public Assistance. When this program is available, it will also include a retroactive payment back to November 2007. We will let you know when applications are available.
Our humble servants Kerttula, Elton, and Doll are encouraging folks to swallow their pride and get help to stave off this crisis. I'm sure gonna do it(I say looking down...)
Armchair Quarterback moment of the disaster:
Avalanche diversion expert David McClung said a relatively cheap concrete wedge structure at the base of each tower could have deflected the tons of force delivered by the avalanches, protecting the line.
McClung estimated the cost to protect the exposed towers with diversion structures to be $100,000. It's a negligible cost compared to the millions the energy crisis will cost Juneau, he said.
McClung holds a Ph.D. in geophysics and avalanche defense mechanisms and is the co-author of the definitive technical textbook on avalanche science in North America. He also is a professor of civil engineering at the University of British Columbia.
I wonder if these will be part of the rebuild process..? Where are people like this when things like this are being built? Who did we consult? SEACC..? How come SEACC isn't screaming about the hundreds of tons of snow AEL&P "let" fall into the water? Maybe some mussels or barnacles were savagely scraped of the rocks and sent plunging to their death...Where is PETA in all of this?
Petuli fest canceled in Girdwood!
Picked up this gem from the ADN this morning:
What a shame...As someone that has been to the Forest Fair...once, I can say that the only thing thats sad is these people won't be out of our communities for a short time...The smells at this mini Woodstock range from BO, weed, and vomit to some pretty decent hippy food...The wares are comparable to the type of charitable purchases you might make of a 7-8 year old kid peddling art at a school bazaar from people with no real talent other than protesting everything our government does...
I did enjoy the music though...Funny how these "peaceful" folks really act when forced to congregate en mass with each other...Not very "thoughtful" or "peaceful" eh?
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Thanks Sara! For nothing!
Not sure what would have been done in light of a declaration of a disaster anyways but...Oh well...Guess I just wanted a handout...It looks like Juneau gets no government help for it's electricity crisis...
Mayor Brucey tells us to buy in Juneau?
He says to continue to support our businesses during this crisis...No sh*t Sherlock! Where am I gonna buy my groceries? Hoonah? LOL! But believe me, I won't be shopping at SEACC haven-Rainbow Foods anytime soon...BO and petuli oil don't mix well with my groceries...
Only 6 boats for the blessing of the fleet?
Some of our favorite fishermen (and women)though...
Bonnie on the San Juan
Bernie on the Mongoose
Ted on the Dundas
Ken on the Cape Fox
the Providence and then a gray boat I didn't recognize...
Either there is a lot less religion nowadays or the fuel prices are so bad it wasn't worth it?
Friday, May 2, 2008
It has been brought to our attention that you are adding links to your website on our commenting area at the bottom of stories. You have been deactivated and need to stop doing this or you will be permanently blocked. This is a warning to stop. We would appreciate your cooperation and use the commenting for constructive commenting not inappropriate promotion.
Connie S. McGee
New Media DirectorThe Juneau Empire 3100 Channel Drive Juneau, AK 99801 w: (907) 523-2280 c: (907) 723-6777 f: (907) 586-9097
Funny thing is, someone posted on my blog regarding this very thing...they even "promoted" the empire blog..? I even emailed them weeks ago to offer an eye for an eye. Letting them know that I have a link to their site, how bout returning the favor...all in good fun, eh?
I guess not, they had to start out with a threat. I've already been deactivated, I can't help it if my friends are promoting the "other blog." Right?
I'm pondering how best to respond...I think I'll just give a link and show her this. What more can they do to me? It's not like I make any money here.
Really, their sudden Hitleresque moderation is why I started this blog in the first place...
Heck, I even just promoted a few of the sites she works on. Really, I think having another blog in town is good for the whole of Juneau.
Maybe since she controls the legislature website, lil miss Berkowitz is peeved and shook some trees? Who knows, it's all speculation at this juncture. I'll keep you all posted as to where this goes...hehehe...LOL...ROFLMAO! Ok, maybe not but...what the heck? Free country and all that blah blah blah...The media is always jumping on the right to free speech, so WTF?