Wednesday, April 30, 2008
What a shocker! I have to admit, I really don't care about what goes on up north either...Especially at Ethans house...But I digress, really, who here ever gives much thought to what goes on in Anchorage, Fairbanks, or bush Alaska? Me neither, so why should they?
Then there is this...
Here is your AEL&P president, in all his glory. He has a chance to show he is for the community, but has decided that he is all that and us little people should get a life.
AEL&P President Tim McLeod said he couldn't find a way to give "parallel rates" to customers that allowed some to pay over time while others paid in full each month. AEL&P is not in the position to extend loans to its customers, McLeod said. He encouraged customers having trouble paying their bill next month to borrow money from the bank
This is why people are fed up.
We even made the national news:
Kind of funny...I think they make it sound a bit worse than it is...A run on lamp oil for God's sake...You should check out the picture of a bunch of yuppie looking Juneauites convening to share a meal and energy in hard times...LOL!
It's Here: The Norwergian Star has landed!
I had to drive through a few dozen early morning tourists...A little bumpy but I managed without spilling my morning and coffee my preferred early morning pick me up...Most of the ones I spared didn't seem too thrilled about the weather...LOL!
By the way...Does anyone have any rice to spare?
Seems like we're being bought out here in town...Gee, I wonder what group is buying it all? I hear the price has doubled...American growers are stating there is no rice shortage in the US, regardless of the world stocks...
“Little man that’s lying.”
Rep. Don Young and Sean Parnell, who is one of the Republicans challenging Young for his U.S. House seat, are trading shots over their differing recollections of a conversation last year, according to a Fairbanks Daily News-Miner story today. Parnell, in comments to the paper’s editorial board, apparently saw Young’s remarks during a conversation over the split between congressional delegation and the governor’s office as threats to his political career and to Gov. Sarah Palin’s. Young, however, saw his part of the talk as “friendly advice.”
Young called Parnell a “little man that’s lying,” according to the story. The story goes on to look at other aspects of Young’s re-election effort and his relationship with the governor’s office, which is not good. “I work with the Legislature real well, but how can I work with someone who is supporting my opponent?” Young said of Palin’s endorsement of Parnell.
This is gonna be good...I don't really like Young, can't stand Berky, and if Sarah will endorse Sean "P. Diddy" Parnell then I may just have to root for him...Depends on where he stands on the capital move issue though!
No new news on Ethan B.'s alternative lifestyle in any paper today?
I did find this cute little photo-op though...
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
It's almost like picking up a steaming pile of stool sample for the vet...It feels wrong but it has to be done. Personally I liked the vote since it may seem like we need a moment to think about it.
Incidentally, I emailed Ms. Wood yesterday regarding credit card payments without their surcharge and got no response. It might have been that she was busy...Now she's probably busy dealing with Mr. Anderson...Lol.
Here is an interesting story picked up by the bleeding anus: (see yesterday's comments)
Seems the truth hurts...(no pun intended) I find it a bit amusing but I must admit it's even a bit below the belt(no pun intended again) Seems our dear Mr. Berkowitz reality is smacking him square in the face(no pun again lol).
Ok, if you haven't read the article the jist is that Mr. Berkowitz(career politician that he is) is running for congress...LOL and if you go to his web site and misspell it at all you get linked to gay "stuff." One of them is called "Trust fund baby."
No Bob, I just read the article. I have denounced him in past posts.
Why didn't we ever try and pull this stuff with Beth K? Just thinking out loud here...
Interestingly enough, the Anchorage paper had nothing about it this morning which means they either buried it or we got it a day late...By the way, Elton John will be performing in Anchorage May 28th...coincidence..? Maybe?
First Cruise Ship is in tomorrow!
All together now: "Yeah! Boo! Aww! Motherf*cker!"
I hate the buses, the idiots walking in the road...out of towner's by the thousands asking stupid questions "Does it snow here?" "Does it get cold here?"
Grrr...Something that kind of irritated me, we have a Ketchikan company that came here a few years ago and opened the zip line tour on Douglas Island...Hired some locals, made some money...
This year they hired their boat captains outside as well as deck hands...One of the deck hands said he found them on Craigslist...WTF!?!?! This is the kind of sh*t that pisses me off!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Do you think it's fair for AEL&P to spread our rate hike over 12 months?
Do you think they should be able to charge interest since they received a interest free loan from the city?
Do your think it's fair that we have to incur the costs related to the avalanche?
Do you have any suggestions on how AEL&P could handle this better?
Friday, April 25, 2008
Seriously I'm getting sick of this whole thing...On one hand they tell us were not gonna get screwed by them charging us before the avalanche...the next day were told there is no way to avoid it because of how the regulatory commision sets up utilities..? I think this is absolute bullsh*t!
Can you imagine your local heating oil company coming out and delivering fuel to you on say April 1st...Charging you $3.50 per gallon on that day...then sending you a statement at the end of the month saying sorry, the price changed and we have to charge you $4.20 per gallon..?
It's the same thing no matter how you cut it and it's white collar crime! No matter how it is spun, they are doing us wrong.
There is their interest free loan right there...All the folks getting screwed is gonna add up to millions of our hard earned dollars to them for nothing...Just taken from us!
Sorry, getting a bit frustrated with all this...Someone made an interesting recommendation on "the other blog." Went something like this:
Call AEL&P now and cancel your service, then well before the end of the month, get it reconnected and they have to issue you a bill for all of April at the old rate? Sounds good, but you may actually have to go without power for a few days..?
SEACC in the news again...Stalling again...F*ck them!!!
Stalling again after the SIS was turned in...Now SEACC says it would prefer an Environmental Assessment Review rather than the Supplemental Information Report the US Forest Service turned in.
The assessment would take longer to complete than the report but would be more thorough according to SEACC’s Rob Cadmus. *ssholes!!! Don't they understand they've stalled long enough, COUER has given in enough! The hard working folks of Juneau want those jobs!
Doesn't SEACC get it?
The public has until the end of the working day to give their opinion to:
Mr. Pete Griffin, District Ranger
Alaska Region – Tongass National Forest
Juneau Ranger District
You can email him at:
I did and here is also a list of folks you can copy your comments to:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
I did and received a reply from a few of the folks on the email list...Bob, since I'm boring you...In silent protest you can stay of it...LOL
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Let's get some facts about the oil & gas prices
First off, AEL&P's crisis has nothing to do with prices rising...At all, anyone that pays any attention to the news knows that the barrel price for crude reached $120 with no signs of slowing down. That Juneau, is why prices are so high and climbing. Unfortunately, they aren't gonna go back down. If they do, it won't be significant.
A far as AEL&P goes...
This is the latest!
From KINYRADIO web site
A-E-L & P files for emergency rate adjustmentAlaska Electric Light and Power has filed for an emergency cost of power adjustment with the Regulatory Commission of Alaska.That's covered in regulations adopted in August of 1998 when Snettisham was transferred from federal to state control.It enables the utility to recover the cost of fuel necessary to generate power in the event of a Snettisham shutdown.Cost adjustments are subject to commission review and approval.A-E -L and P Director of Consumer Affairs Gayle Wood says the utility's request is 42 point 9 cents per kilowatt hour.That would bring a residential customer's rate for the month of May up to 52 point 5 cents per kilowatt hour.That represents a 447 percent increase over the current 11 cent kilowatt rate.For a residential customer consuming 1,000 kilowatts per month the new rate would result in an overall increase from $125.43 per month to $561 per month.Wood says customers, whose bills go out in early May, will be seeing consumption from early April, before the avalanches occurred April 16th, into early May.
Wood says according to the rules of the utility's tariff, the cost of power adjustment must go into effect on the 1st of May.She says there's "not any wiggle room as they see it" to change that rule.Wood says, over time, it kind of balances out.Every month the utility will be establishing a new cost of power adjustment rate.June's rate is likely to be reduced slightly, to 38 to 42 cents per kilowatt hour.She says those customers that had their meter read the first of May will be the first to receive the reduced rate for June usage.The rate can be recalculated every 30 days.Wood says it will be adjusted for the estimated cost of fuel over the next 30 day period and estimated sale of kilowatt hours.She says strong conservation and increasing daylight will help to bring the costs down.Avalanches took out the Snettisham line last Wednesday, April 16th, severing Juneau from the vast majority of its cheap hydroelectric power.
Listening to NPR again I heard this interesting story: (shooting my right wing cred)
To sum it up...Biofuels are wiping out the worlds food supplies...Thats right! These idiots are wiping out food crops and destroying rain forests to make fuel that is more expensive, not as efficient, and that makes a much bigger environmental footprint than fossil fuels...The bottom line is that you are being taken to the cleaners for falling in to this crap...Even the hybrid cars have a negative overall energy value from the amount of petroleum used to make the plastic in them as well as the energy used to charge their batteries.
The Regulatory Commission of Alaska will need to approve the surcharge proposed by Alaska, Electric, Light and Power to pay for the extra diesel fuel that's needed to run turbines while the Snettisham line is out of commission.The first of the bills reflecting the higher rate is scheduled to go out May 2nd.Gayle Wood, Director of Consumer Affairs for the utility, was asked on Capital Chat Tuesday if those bills will be pro-rated. She responded by saying they always bill for exact usage from the billing period. She says pro-rating is a term that doesn't make sense in this case.
I need some names of people we want to start encouraging to run for office...
Even if you don't think they would want to run we'll start polling and see what others think...We need to dethrone Doll, Kertulla, etc...We really need folks that represent the working folks of Juneau...Not the artsy fartsy bunch..
$0.55-$0.58 per kwh for May! Then "drop" to $0.38-$0.42 in June?
I think they really are trying to be fair to us...I heard a retraction on the radio from the owner of the Best Western, said that AEL&P contacted him and said they would not be charging him the higher rate until May. He believes the customer service rep made an honest mistake...and that they are probably overwhelmed...Ya think?
Scott Willis, vice president in charge of the Generation Department, said the emergency surcharge is only for the cost of diesel. He emphasized that there would be no additional profit coming to the utility. So if an emergency grant comes through from the state or federal government, he said it will passed director to their customers.
Usage in Juneau is down 20%! That is awesome, I know where I work we do what we can and at home we cut down every conceiveable way!
On an irritating note: Some really stupid *sshole at one of our convenience stores started really harrassing an AEL&P employee that happened to be wearing a company jacket...Not jokingly either, it got so bad the clerk at the store made the *sshole leave...Common sense needs to take precedence here...That's like blaming the guy at the gas station for high oil and gas prices...You can't possibly be that f*cking stupid! If anyone knows who the dick head was, rip him/her...
Mayor Brucey(who I can't usually stand) actually is trying to do some good for the working class here...From KINY Radio's website:
Juneau Mayor Bruce Botelho has sent a letter to Alaska's Congressional delegation requesting its help in securing expert advice to better manage the town's energy crisis. The mayor wrote that it's his understanding that the Department of Energy has experts that provide assistance to communities in need. Botelho asked for the delegation's help in arranging that assistance.
SEACC loses a court battle regarding a state of Alaska land grab!
LOL!!! One sad fact here is I didn't see anything on KINY Radios site or on the Empire..? But I did however hear Russel Heath and his SEACC attorney crying about it on NPR this morning and he wanted to make sure we knew that they were gonna raise a big stink about it...I have a feeling they are treading very carefully now around here...Funny isn't it...
I believe they have alienated themselves from the real people of Juneau...I'm so tired of all these granola eating east coasters coming to our town and telling us what we can and can't do...I was looking at the SEACC board of directors and none of them are from here... In fact they just go wherever they can to fight the fight...To their credit, a few of them have actually been here a while...
Here's an interesting piece regarding the peace loving folks of Islam:
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
You can buy one for $10.50 or two or more for about $7.89 each...They have them on all there rigs too...I suggest buying a couple and giving one away...
Anyone hear what AEL&P did to the guy that owns the Best Western?
Most of his bill he was charged the new rate! Even though the "crisis" hadn't even started yet! WTF!! This is absolute thievery and I'm calling them on it. They pulled the same crap on me in November when they raised the rates! Is this legal? It can't be! I thought they were governed by some public utilities commision..? The very least they could do is not f*ck us in those kinds of situations, even when were going out of our way to conserve there is nothing we can do about the billing cycle? Why can't they start that cycle on the day they raise the rates? It can't be that complicated? My guesss is their accounting software can do that? If was working in their favor I bet they'd figure that sh*t out...
Of course the state figured they can't make a decision on whether or not were in a crisis for at least another month...nice way to make sure AEL&P gets some of our hard earned money irrevocably eh? Can you say ala FEMA during/after Katrina...
In a possible bit of good news...I guess...I got this from KINY Radios site:
(Part of CBJ Emergency Fund may be used to offset electric bills. The Assembly is considering using a portion of the CBJ Emergency Fund to help those Juneau residents that are most vulnerable to huge increases in their electric bills. At last night's Assembly meeting, Mayor Bruce Botelho suggested exploring some form of "bridge financing" for those most vulnerable.There is currently $4.3 million dollars in the CBJ Emergency Fund. The mayor also suggested looking at capping how much sales tax the city is taking in so there's "no sales tax windfall" and in the regard providing some relief for rate payers in Juneau. A-E-L- and P officials are predicting that the 11 cent per kilowatt hour rate will increase to 50 cents or more. The Assembly has scheduled time during Thursday's Finance Committee meeting to discuss several possible recommendations.)
Hmmm...I doubt any of the assembly looked at my site(even after I emailed them) but at least there's a trickle of common sense there..."no sales tax windfall..." You've got to be sh*tting me! What about the sales tax windfall they'e been getting from the price of heating fuel?
The latest figure on 100 gallons of heating fuel #1 is $4.35 per gallon that equates to a $0.22 per gallon to the city...That's what I would call a "Windfall!" How about they do something about that?
About 3 or 4 years ago they were getting around $0.07 per gallon...never have they mentioned that little windfall to the public...As I said last week, this needs to be adressed and judging by our poll we overwhelmingly believe this is Bullsh*t!!!
But I doubt their listening...
Kudos to Gov. Palin for getting back to work 3 days after giving birth! How's that for a tough Alaskan woman!
So Mark Begich made it official...As I said last week, he's about as good a Dem as they come so I have no qualms should he get elected...I know he'd fight for the gas line an to open up ANWR...Of course, who knows what he'll tell the DNP to get their funding?
Uncle Ted will be the first to go it looks like, I don't think he'll be able to hold on at his age and with the surrounding investigation...As much as I know he's done for us, it might be his time? Too bad we don't have any quality Republicans willing to challenge...Eh Merrill? You listening? Or Mr. PC? Why not?
Monday, April 21, 2008
Please excuse the short notice. I just got word that my friend, S Sgt.>James F. Zuelow, is returning from his second tour of duty in the>Middle East with the National Guard, Monday April 21st at 9:46pm on>Alaska Airlines, flight 69.>>Two years ago when the main National Guard force returned he was>delayed in Anchorage, so he saw none of support that Juneau gave to>the returning vets. And what's worse, his wife and children are>traveling this week and, most likely, will not be able to make it back>in time to meet his flight.>>I know it's short notice, but if anyone can show up to the airport and>help me welcome him home I'd really appreciate it. I'm attaching a>photo, so you'll know him when he clears security, I'm not sure if>he'll be in uniform or not. Please feel free to forward this to ANYONE>interested in showing support for our returning vets, or call them>or... get creative.
I am going to post a picture of him as well...Please, even if you oppose the war, show some respect here.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
This could get scary with Don Young also embroiled in the Abramoff scandal...The only clean Washington rep so far is Frankie's daughter...Alaskans may lose a lot of political clout these next elections. As a former Anchoragite though I can say without crossing my fingers that Begich isn't bad for a Democrat. He seems pretty bright and actually fairly honest (unlike Berkowitz or God forbid...Tony Knowles!).
The scary thought to me is someone like Diane Benson actually winning a seat...Can you say "Constant racial sound bites." on national tv? She's scarier than a SEACC meeting on Earth Day at 4:20 in the afternoon...Pewww, can smell the rich stink of petuli oil and BO just thinking about it...Sorry Bob, didn't mean to get you excited...
So...On a side note, I had to drive the baby around Saturday night cuz he's teething...again...grrr...and I am pleased to say that a lot of us locals are sticking to our guns and keeping most of the lights off. I went to Home Depot, Wal Mart, and Fred Meyer and they all had a lot of their lighting off. Now, you may think "Who cares a big light bill for a few months isn't gonna sink them"...and you'd be right, but it helps reduce the load to the rest of us and thereby should make a difference when it comes to what happens to our bill...It better...
I heard a rumor from a reliable source that because Juneau residents and businesses are using so much less electricity than normal, a generator in Lemon Creek that normally uses 2000 gallons of diesel an hour is only using 1000 gallons an hour! Wow, if that's the case then the sky isn't really falling!
A sour note on that same front, during that same drive Saturday night I drove through some public housing in the valley and noticed a lot of lights on in most apartments and lots of windows open. I just hope that we the public, aren't footing the bill for these folks. I hope they pay their own electric bills...Anyone know the answer to that? Bob? It's one thing for us to help the needy, it's another thing for them to not help out when it matters most!
A safety notice: from kinyradio's website Be careful with alternative heating and lighting sources If you have electric heat you may be exploring alternative heating and lighting sources to save on electricity cost. These include using candles, kerosene heaters and other heating devices inside their homes. One fire has already occurred from use of a kerosene heater. No one was hurt in that incident, although a family had to leave their home. Capital City Fire Rescue offers this advice- Candles: Never leave a candle burning unattended or where children can reach them. All candles need to be in a candle holder with a solid base to prevent them from tipping over. Keep the candles away from curtains or other things that can ignite and never have combustible decorations around the base of the candle. Kerosene heaters: no unvented kerosene heater is designed or approved for use inside a residence. They all will produce carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide gas, tasteless, odorless gases that can kill you. They also can present a fire hazard if they are old, have an improper fuel or are located too close to combustibles. Underwriters Lab tested, vented liquid fuel heaters, properly installed, are safe and tested for use inside buildings. Use of charcoal cooking devices inside residents are a sure method of producing enormous quantities of deadly carbon monoxide gas. Don't ever use them inside. Make sure that after a long winter, that your wood stove chimney is clear and clean of creosote before use. Capital City Fire/Rescue has responded to several chimney fires, fortunately none which caused significant damage. During this difficult time, use your best defense against tragic fires... your common sense. If you have questions call Capital City fire Rescue during business hours at 586-5322. After hours call 789-7554.
Friday, April 18, 2008
I just want to say congratulations to the governor and her family and welcome Trig Paxson Van Palin into our world. I know he was born a month early and I hope and pray that everything will be alright.
Can you believe it his 17 degrees last night!!! WTF!! If I had a job south right now I would seriously consider...well, never mind. BRRRR!!!
Did anyone read the friday update at the Empire regarding a hoax fax being sent around? The fax states that some businesses are closing down early do cut energy costs and has official looking Empire heading...That's just cold...Things are gonna get bad enough for businesses dealing with the energy crisis.
Wow, it's only been since Sunday and I'm getting over 300 hits per day. I've been tweaking it on a daily basis trying to find something that I like to look at. I've been getting a lot of feedback from friends and family and of course my arch Empire nemesis...Bob.
So far in one short week we've attempted to call out Mr. Meyer for both trying to get the capital moved up North(and dug up some Wasilla property he owns), trying to hide the cost of said move, we've watched the legislator fail to get us some financial relief in spite of our surplus due to high oil prices(Kevin Meyer again), an avalanche, and of course my latest bright idea...The abolishment of city sales tax on energy utilities.
Some other issues that our attention has been diverted far...Stone's trying to run our fishermen out of town for the sake of yachters and sailboaters, the left wing nuts trying to stop the snowmachiners from using the area behind Costco, JPD not arresting drunk drivers, and other small issues that I guarantee we'll be covering.
For some reason I think we'll talk about tourists or SEACC soon...
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I think the CBJ needs to seriously consider abolishing sales tax on our utilities ASAP! We, the voters put it in place and we should be able to scream and yell to get rid of it...
Can you imagine though, if we abolished sales tax on every gallon of fuel we used. It wouldn't hurt business at all. In fact we'd have more money to spend and it might help stimulate the economy here.
Let's look at some facts:
A few years ago gas was around $2.00 per gallon and diesel around $1.30 per gallon. So with a 5% sales tax the city was making about $.10 and about $.07 per gallon respectively...That's for every gallon sold in this city!
Now gas is around $3.60 per gallon, diesel $3.80 and home heating fuel is about $4.00 per gallon. Let's do the math... The city makes around $.15 per gal on our vehicles and $.20 for every gallon of heating fuel we buy. The city is getting $1.00 for every 5 gallons of heating fuel you buy! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!That has to stop!
There is some good news, the city is taking it to the state to try and get some disaster relief. we'll see how it affects Joe Consumer though...
They had a press conference in case you didn't know and together in a most reassuring way they told us we're f*cked! Gayle told us the usage was down for Thursday though...Duh? When you're talking about paying up to five times more than usual for something like that, one tends to listen. Not her fault I know...She just happens to be the mouthpiece.
One of our posters on this blog made an awesome suggestion:
"I have to believe the AEL&P guys or their contractors could lay a temporary line down, splice both ends, and get the power rolling and then work on the towers, etc. etc."
Mr. Not PC on our previous post regarding this disaster.
I for one would like to hear what AEL&P has to say about that idea...Even if this isea took some serious babysitting by a lot of people it sounds logical. Not sure where he got the idea but he's getting credit for it right here.
| |
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Does anyone have any ideas as to WTF we're gonna do about AEL&P?
Are we really gonna see our rates go up as much as 500%? I'm wondering if they're saying that so that when it only goes up 300-400% we'll say "Oh thank God, it's not as bad as we thought!"
I hope the city is devising a plan and working into the wee hours tonight. Doesn't AEL&P have insurance for this kind of crap?
The Juneau Alpine Working Group just wants a place to ride their machines.
They finally came up with an ideal place to go ride...Up behind Costco and up behind Blackerby Ridge towards the ice field. The issues before were the vandalism out at Echo and the noise in North Douglas. This place seems perfect and a few absolute loony lefties had to protest that idea on the grounds that we need to curb emissions or some such BS. Can you folks just let them ride somewhere!! Get over it. These people police themselves very well. A few idiots out at Echo just needed to f*ck it all up for the rest of them...
I don't even ride and I'm sick of these kinds of folks showing up everywhere to protest...Bob, was that you?
Seems Goldbelt gets to shuttle a few miners once the mine finally opens up...Avoided a big lawsuit there didn't ya SEACC!
I heard it through the grapevine there was a lot of bad backlash at SEACC HQ over that PR fiasco.
Speaking of SEACC...Anyone know where I can get a sticker of that little Calvin dude pissing on SEACC...I would gladly put that one on my truck.
SEACC sure has been quiet as of late?
For all the Douglas regulars with your panties in a wad because someone turned in someone with an open container in their car...
Get over it!
The law is the law and just because you have lived in Douglas forever doesn't exempt you from it...Have the decency to behave like grown-ups!
This just in from the KINY Radio web site.
UPDATE : Juneau loses Snettisham power for extended period, avalanche to blameJuneau has been choked off from its chief supply of electricity by an avalanche.Gayle Wood of Alaska Electric Light and Power says it happened at about four this morning.She says it was hardly noticed, except by Thane Road residents, because of diesel generation they had running at the time and low load demands at that hour.She says it was a massive avalanche about three miles from the Snettisham power house that took out about a mile and a half of transmission line. That includes damage to four to five towers, she says.Wood says the community will be virtually reliant on diesel generated power for two to three months with the exception of power that can be generated through the Gold Creek, Salmon Creek and Annex Creek facilities.The electric utility official says customers can expect to see some very high bills.
Residential rates were at 11 cents per kilowatt hour.Wood initially estimated it would go to 30 to 35 cents, but has since revised that figure to 50 cents and adds that's a conservative figure.
Since the area is very unstable, Wood says they don't expect to start repairs for two to three weeks since they need to wait for avalanche danger to subside. She describes the terrain in the area as very steep. At this point, they're trying to assess the damage from the air.Wood calls it the worst disaster they've ever had on the Snettisham line. She used the word "catastrophic" and called it "a hard hit."Wood stressed the importance of conservation during this time. Right now, she says they're trying to figure out how to secure enough diesel to handle this kind of long term need.
Anyone have any ideas? We need to send those folks back to rethink the energy rebate. The public outcry has been enormous! Reading the blogs from up north has been an eye opener. It's not just us down here in Juneau that want Meyer to buck up...As I mentioned in yesterdays post, even Miss Sara was not happy about nothing getting done for the hard working Alaskans. So, this is a call to arms! We need action from smarter folks than me.
If you aren't outraged by Mr. Meyer your eyes are closed!
By the way people...Anyone hear about the two idiot dj's in Anchorage? They made a very stupid, gross, and racist comment towards Alaskan Native women! Love to hear your comments regarding this subject.
On a different note, I want to thank GCI for getting the Mariner games back to us. I made a big stink and I know I wasn't alone...But thanks Benita!!!
As far as the fisherman leaving Juneau, I think this needs to be a BFD...We need them, they helped build and diversify this town and economy. I would love some feedback on what we can do...I think my next poll will be what to do with Mr. Stone. Any ideas?
Holy Sh*T!!! How about the electric rates going up as
much as 200%! My bill is already almost $200 per month!
Help me Mr. Meyer!!!!
Remember, to comment all you have to do is click on comments at the bottom of each post!!!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Heating help bills faltered on fairness, sustainability
I borrowed this from an update on the Empire site!!!
Story last updated at 4/14/2008 - 3:19 pm
Multiple attempts to share Alaska’s sudden oil wealth with citizens suffering from high gas, fuel oil and electricity prices were made by lawmakers during the 90-day session that ended Sunday, but all faltered on concerns about fairness and sustainability.Legislators instead provided funding for a small amount of energy assistance for the most needy Alaskans, and a big weatherization program available to all.
Rep. Kevin Meyer, R-Anchorage, helped stop one bill in the House Finance Committee that would have given every Alaskan an extra $500 on their Permanent Fund Dividend, saying he wanted to avoid the creation of new entitlement programs.
House Speaker John Harris, R-Valdez, joined with Rep. Bill Thomas, R-Haines, who had sought the extra $500, to provide money to help bring more renewable energy to Alaska.
For more on this story, see Tuesday’s Empire.
Hows that for sticking it to us...Thanks a lot Mr.Meyer. You personally cost my family $1500! I was gonna change subjects soon but when even bobstillbob agrees with me...Things are rotten in Denmark!(Or Anchorage)
I wonder how many of us could have used an extra $500? Let's see, I have a 275 gallon fuel tank that costs me now over $1000 to fill...We have this huge surplus...I hope it wasn't quashed so he could get back to his family right away...instead of looking out for the best interests of all Alaskans.
Maybe he's done some good things up there...but the fact of the matter is he is trying to move the capital and he killed the bill that would have given every Alaskan that gets a dividend, an extra $500 to help offset the cost of our heating bills. I say we start a massive(albeit attention seeking)drive to get him some really negative attention! We can start with writing letters to the editor to this paper!
I bet the families in the Mat-Su could have used the money.
Or what about Fairbanks, can you imagine the heating bills up there with that cold...
Even worse, imagine the bush and the villages up north. He really screwed a lot of families. I wonder what he'll have to say in the papers tomorrow. I'm sure his family isn't hurting like the rest of us.
This just so happens to be picking up some steam, although I'm disappointed in the number of people voting and commenting on my blog, I've gotten several hundred hits in the last couple of days. Thanks mom!
I have heard from two very prominent Alaskans agreeing with my idea(that he's a douchbag), both saying they can't come out publicly and say that. Meyer does have the right to respond right here if he can do it with a straight face...If he has the testicular fortitude?
I wonder how much this piece of property would go up if the capital/legislature moved to South central?
This could be a different Kevin Meyer from Anchorage with this lot in Wasilla? It was too late last night for me to keep digging. If I'm wrong then I'll just delete this post! Kidding, I'll eat crow.
By the way(change of subject) several of my fisherman buddies have been complaining about Mr. Stones running them out of the harbors...Anyone care to comment on this? I'll see if I can't get a quote from him(Stone) in the near future. I'd like to hear from fisherman on this subject or anyone really. Ed, Kathy, Roger, or Darrell? Love to hear from any of you...
In case any of you don't know, we lose a lot of fish revenue when these guys relocate to Hoonah. We get a small percentage of every fish they catch on top of the money they spend here. WTF Mr. Stone? It might be time to run your East Coast *ss back to the other end of the country. We happen to like our fishermen here. We don't really care about the sailer's and yachters if it's at the expense of our fleet. The rest of Southeasts fleet (especially Petersburg) isn't very happy about how much it cost to spend the night here in the summer. I'd love to hear from Charlie, Ben Darrel, or Mark from the Viking fleet about their opinions on these issues.
This is enough for now, I gotta go to work...
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Snow wed and thurs...Lame! Colder too, lows around 26-29 degrees. Grrr!
On a positive note, the legislature is almost leaving us. Good riddance to the folks from Southcentral that can't take no for an answer and had the gall to try to hide the costs of a capital move from their own constituents! WTF! I hope the voters up there toss their *sses out for being deceitful next election. Kevin "the douche bag" Meyers needs all of our help to see the light. Here's his email address for any of you that would like to express your opinions...
I already did...No response of course...No surprise, he probably has all of southeast blocked as spam.
Did any of you see this article in the ADN?
It seems our governor was trying to cut the cost of a business license and some folks don't like the way she did it? I look at the article and I can't tell what the big deal is. At least she didn't spend postage on 23,000 letters. A mass emailing? BFD! Saved us around ten grand by not using snail mail. I have a feeling she's making a few enemas...I mean enemies, even in her own district. LOL, whiners needing some attention if you ask me. Make sure to read the comments under the article to see what most Alaskans think of this "news."
By the way, if anyone wants to post articles or their own column to my new blog, let me know. If I like your style, we can work something out, no, not money just timing and whatnot...
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Taken from this mornings Anchorage Daily News
Police are looking for Zeb Bewak
Cornered suspect attacks pursuers
VANDALISM: Man is accused of stabbing father and son.
Published: April 12th, 2008 12:47 AM
Last Modified: April 12th, 2008 05:12 AM
A father and son who caught vehicle vandals in the act at their South Anchorage home got in their truck, chased the suspects down and wound up hospitalized with serious stab wounds to the legs, according to Anchorage police.
Police are searching for Zeb Bewak, 24, who is wanted on a $30,000 warrant for five felony counts of assault and criminal mischief after the attack early Thursday morning, police Lt. Paul Honeman said.
The 42-year-old father told police that he and his 18-year-old son heard some noises outside their home in the 13000 block of Diggins Drive about 2:15 a.m. Thursday and went outside to find a few people fleeing the driveway, Honeman said. The pair gave chase in their truck, catching up with and cornering the suspects' vehicle in a cul-de-sac near Jarvi and Oceanview drives.
"When that happened, of course that evoked another response," Honeman said. "That's the thing: You never know if the guy's got a knife or a gun."
The suspect got out of his truck and confronted the men, who restrained him and told him police were on the way, Honeman said. A woman in the suspect's vehicle began hollering -- distracting the men -- and the suspect pulled a knife, he said.
"He starts hacking them with a knife, and I mean, he hacked them pretty good," Honeman said.
The father and son let go and ran back to their truck. Minutes later, patrol officer Doug Henie spotted the erratically driving vehicle at 36th Avenue and Lake Otis Parkway, Honeman said. When he stopped the car, he saw its occupants severely bleeding from their legs.
The father received 20 stitches and has been released from the hospital, Honeman said. The son remained hospitalized in serious condition after getting 75 stitches, he said. One cut came within an inch of nicking his femoral artery -- a potentially fatal wound, Honeman said.
The men gave police a description of the suspect's vehicle and subsequently picked Bewak's image from a photo lineup, Honeman said.
Bewak is wanted on two counts of first-degree assault and three counts of third-degree criminal mischief, Honeman said.
Investigators contacted Bewak by phone Friday and he said he was not planning on turning himself in, Honeman said.
He was last seen in a Green 1996 Chevrolet pickup, license plate DRP500. Anyone with information on his whereabouts is asked to call police at 786-8900.
These guys are brave but perhaps this was a bad idea!! Thats why a cell phone is a bad idea. Imagine being in these guys shoes? I would hope I would just kind of follow from a distance while on my cell phone and pray the police were acting quickly...
Lynn Canal Herring article from the Empire
No Endangered Species Act listing for Lynn Canal herring
Story last updated at 4/11/2008 - 12:19 pm
The National Marine Fisheries Service says there’s no evidence Lynn Canal herring stocks are a distinct population from the rest of Southeast Alaska’s herring. On that basis, the agency has denied a Sierra Club petition to list the local herring under the Endangered Species Act as threatened or endangered.
Now the agency must investigate whether the larger Southeast Alaska herring population might be endangered or threatened.
The National Marine Fisheries Service based its decision on a recommendation from a team of 10 federal scientists who spent a year reviewing existing data on the herring.
The Juneau chapter of the Sierra Club filed the petition April 2, 2007.
The agency’s decision was published today in the Federal Register and can be found on the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration’s Web site:"
Taken from the Juneau Empire website this morning 4/12/08
I hope tomorrow's article has some interviews from a fisherman or two that have been telling me for a few years that the lack of herring in Lynn Canal is affecting all the fishing in northern southeast Alaskan waters. I'll get a quote or two soon, once again, I'm new at this so bare with me...Although I am all for the mine, if they are preventing this I just hope they can back it up with scientific data because the mine isn't worth our salmon runs around here. I gotta have my fish!
I'm kind of hoping I start to get some visitors here...
Friday, April 11, 2008
Empire rant
At one period of time for about 4-5 months I couldn't get enough of it.
We had great topics...SEACC vs. Goldbelt, the Dixie Hood story(if you haven't heard about it ask me and we can go over it again), the smoking initiative, the bong hits for Jesus supreme court bs, the capital move, the new high school costs.
Everything was going great until out of nowhere, they up and pulled the Bong Hits blog...All of a sudden I wake up one morning and it's gone! The speculation from the regulars is that we pissed off Mertz(the attorney for Bong Hit banner-waver-flake-boy). We were all pretty upset, I mean this guy is going before the Supreme Court of the United States for God's sake.
If it was him that got the blog pulled then I for one am calling him out on it. He's a public figure and fair game. My opinion is if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
He's not all bad, he is the ACLU lawyer of the year or something like that...LOL! Well, guess this is one of those issues we can say is either good or bad, depending on your perspective. This is an interesting article re: what he stands for...
Back to my Empire rant, not only did they pull that particular blog, they also are pretty much letting anyone get rid of comments if they don't like them. We're talking over-moderation in a bad way. Clearly affecting our freedom of speech.
Like after that Abbott dude killed his family, the news coverage basically was letting us know there was probably some serious mental health I posted that this is should be a wakeup call that when our friends or relatives that have mental health issues start showing serious signs they may be deteriorating, we need to act. Well, Empire moderators pulled that comment? WTF!! How can that be bad? Whatever...
One of the things I want to do here is post articles, news clips, etc...and have actual discussions where we can give our true opinions without being shutdown.
Oh yeah, I heard Dixie was back in all her glory. In typical Dixie fashion she is saying there is plenty of parking downtown...WTF! How is she a marriage counselor? Don't you have to be able to read into things a bit? LOL!! Can you imagine getting some feedback from her. Can you imagine any local working man or woman sending any business her way...Me neither.
By the way, you're welcome here even if you disagree with my opinion(s)...I'll just love you a little less...psych! Lot's of my family are left-wingers...not that I'm a right winger, I just tend to lean a little more to the right...minus the religiousness...
I know, rambling again...Please comment so we can have some discussion. I am really excited about my own blog and I will stay on top of it!
The Christening of the JuneauBlog
First of all, one of the reasons we created this is because the empire one really tanked on us. We hurt some feelings and even I admit, it got a bit out of hand. Yes, I was guilty too...But I digress.
I wanted a local blog that we could make up the topics and post our own articles, pictures, rants, and really whatever else we wanted. I will moderate it on occasion but really as long as we mostly behave and there are no real threats on here then life should become pretty interesting and this should end up being bookmarked by pretty much every local or former local...
We will include anything and everything. We can call out businesses, organizations, and any public figures...inlcuding any lawyers who are trying supreme court cases!
I also wanted a place we could check each day in the mornings and see what's going on and have running commentary. So this is it...Tell everyone!