Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How do we call for a special session?

Anyone have any ideas? We need to send those folks back to rethink the energy rebate. The public outcry has been enormous! Reading the blogs from up north has been an eye opener. It's not just us down here in Juneau that want Meyer to buck up...As I mentioned in yesterdays post, even Miss Sara was not happy about nothing getting done for the hard working Alaskans. So, this is a call to arms! We need action from smarter folks than me.

If you aren't outraged by Mr. Meyer your eyes are closed!

By the way people...Anyone hear about the two idiot dj's in Anchorage? They made a very stupid, gross, and racist comment towards Alaskan Native women! Love to hear your comments regarding this subject.

On a different note, I want to thank GCI for getting the Mariner games back to us. I made a big stink and I know I wasn't alone...But thanks Benita!!!

As far as the fisherman leaving Juneau, I think this needs to be a BFD...We need them, they helped build and diversify this town and economy. I would love some feedback on what we can do...I think my next poll will be what to do with Mr. Stone. Any ideas?

Holy Sh*T!!! How about the electric rates going up as
much as 200%! My bill is already almost $200 per month!

Help me Mr. Meyer!!!!

Remember, to comment all you have to do is click on comments at the bottom of each post!!!


The Coffin Dancer said...

Sorry I was so late this morning...Late night last night! I'll be more vigilant. Keep spreading the word. Even though people aren't commenting or voting, they are viewing. I'm averaging over 100 views per day and thats in just 4 days!! Thanks everyone! Even Bob...

The Coffin Dancer said...

WTF!!! Did anyone see the police blotter today? WTF!!! WTF!!! What if one of them would have killed your kid/wife/parent?

Anonymous said...

What is the big deal about the ignorant DJs in Anchorage? By making this a "big deal" they are getting the attention and ratings they want!
We are all to sensitive to this type of garbage. Yes, they were wrong! But turn off the radio.

The Coffin Dancer said...

Why go least make something maybe your name can be "doesntcareaboutaknativewomen"
or "heartlessinflorida"

OneofWe said...

$200 bucks? What do live in? I have a shitty little trailer and payed way more than that this winter....I don't like handouts and it just Juneau affected by this but if the statet can't figure how to properly piss away all their money how about some more hydro or nukes?

How about this one...Feds to collect DNA from everyone they arrest.

The Coffin Dancer said...

I don't consider it a handout...Look at our surplus because of the oil prices...If you don't like handouts then send me your PFD...I'll take care of it for you!

Carefull, there's been black helicopters flying around again. New World Order! LOL...LOL

Anonymous said...

I do care about native women, white women, jewish women, black women and even catholics!

Anonymous said...

I still think you can turn off your damn radio and now listen.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should check out!!!! Its a good site!! Everyone is welcome!!!!