I lay here this morning at 5:00 am wondering how big my bill really is gonna be...Have we done enough to keep costs down? Are they really gonna want that $700-$800 right away? Is anybody gonna really come through for Juneau? Are the $0.52 kwh only gonna be this month? Is it really gonna go down again by the end of the summer?
The short answer to all those questions is: Nobody knows...All kinds of speculation and probables but know one knows for sure. One thing I do know for sure is that assistance from the state is available now for some people above the poverty level at this site:
It used to be a family of four had to make less than $38,730 to qualify, now that same family of four can qualify if they make less than $59,625.
You can download the application at:
The program will also be administered by the Division of Public Assistance. When this program is available, it will also include a retroactive payment back to November 2007. We will let you know when applications are available.
Our humble servants Kerttula, Elton, and Doll are encouraging folks to swallow their pride and get help to stave off this crisis. I'm sure gonna do it(I say looking down...)
Armchair Quarterback moment of the disaster:
Avalanche diversion expert David McClung said a relatively cheap concrete wedge structure at the base of each tower could have deflected the tons of force delivered by the avalanches, protecting the line.
McClung estimated the cost to protect the exposed towers with diversion structures to be $100,000. It's a negligible cost compared to the millions the energy crisis will cost Juneau, he said.
McClung holds a Ph.D. in geophysics and avalanche defense mechanisms and is the co-author of the definitive technical textbook on avalanche science in North America. He also is a professor of civil engineering at the University of British Columbia.
I wonder if these will be part of the rebuild process..? Where are people like this when things like this are being built? Who did we consult? SEACC..? How come SEACC isn't screaming about the hundreds of tons of snow AEL&P "let" fall into the water? Maybe some mussels or barnacles were savagely scraped of the rocks and sent plunging to their death...Where is PETA in all of this?
Petuli fest canceled in Girdwood!
Picked up this gem from the ADN this morning:
What a shame...As someone that has been to the Forest Fair...once, I can say that the only thing thats sad is these people won't be out of our communities for a short time...The smells at this mini Woodstock range from BO, weed, and vomit to some pretty decent hippy food...The wares are comparable to the type of charitable purchases you might make of a 7-8 year old kid peddling art at a school bazaar from people with no real talent other than protesting everything our government does...
I did enjoy the music though...Funny how these "peaceful" folks really act when forced to congregate en mass with each other...Not very "thoughtful" or "peaceful" eh?
The people sure did it to themselves with the Girdwood festival. Hats off to the people of Girdwood saying NO MORE!
My family has been planning to come back to Juneau to visit the remaining family for the summer. We sure don't want to be a burden to them with the electric issue. I hope that you and your family don't have to come up with the $$$ right away. How many people have the kind of dollars laying around for electric? I'm sure not many. I can imagine where the PFDs are going this year. It won't be to help stimulate an already lagging economy!
sounds like our folk fest down here just more outdoor activity due to better weather....i think i will just stay home and play my
MARIO KART on my Wii...you use your wifi signal and you can race a bunch of people all around the WORLD!!! At least you can't smell thier stinky BO!!
if you didn't get a wii for christmas this year....go out and get one now....this thing is so
oh ya, as far as the electric thing goes, i just play with all the lights off!! And big screen tv's use less energy than old tv's!
That has to be the dumbest post ever! How can you call yourself a blogger. How witty to call the Forest Fair a "petuli fest"! Are scared Prancer? Oooh, pooooor baaaaby! & How stupid is wii girl talking about a wii in times like this! I haven't been here in few days and now I know why!
God dude! When you insult me, I take is as a compliment...
I'd say judging from some of your past posts that you have an issue with gays and lesbians and you might need some counseling. Or a good old fashioned beat down! I promise you, as a woman, I would give you something to be afraid of. You sound like a little man with a BIG website. You really should watch what you say.
downtownsarah..........don't get so hostile. The man is only expressing his opinion just as you are.
Gulp! Wow Sarah! I guess I can be a bit homophobic at times(it's my right) but now I'm a lot homophobic...
Be lookin over my shoulder for a big mean chick!
check out http://ginkfist.blogspot.com/, if you like this blog you will LOVE ginkfist!
Another juneau blog: http://juneaualaska.blogspot.com/
Wow anonymous, thanks for the tips and thanks for sharing...Too bad the empire(or as we affectionatley call them "the bleeding anus") can't be so gracious. You are welcome to promote other blogs here. Thank you!
I agree, this blog sucks. Hang it up C.D.
Maybe spend more time with your family or get a second job to supplement some more income instead of bitching about it on this worthless site.
I'm out of here...
Ballsy, you just need a good pimp. Maybe my second job oughta be selling your *ss down on S Franklin...$10 a pop...
Be a lot better if people like you commented more often...
Don't let the door hit you on the ass balllllsy. Start your own blog dude and we will check it out for you.
At least Coffin has a job and a family, something UNH won't be able to accomplish I am pretty sure....unless he finds a donor.
talking about wii at times like this? I have no kids and have ALWAYS conserved my power....i work full time and run a small business...i pay my power bill and don't complain....i can play my wii whenever the F i feel like it and you can just kiss my wii lovin ass.
you must be one of the stinky hippies that i talked about before.....
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