This is the real stuff you can do to save money!
1. If you smoke or chew tobacco, you can quit. A pack a day habit costs at least $6.00 per day. That's around $200 per month. $400 if there's two smokers in the house.
2. If you drink alcohol you can quit or cut back. A twelve pack is usually at least $10. If you drink every night, probably about 4-5 beers per person so figure $5.00 per day. That's $150 per month. $300 if there's two drinkers in the house.
3. If you smoke weed, you can quit or cut back. Figure an 1/8 of an house cost about$70-$80. Probably lasts about 5-6 days. So for the sake of simplicity say you buy four bags a month. Probably at least $300. Two dope smokers in the house...$600 per month.
4. If you go to fast food or eat out a lot the best thing to do is to not eat out at all. Figure at least $10 per day, per person, per meal time. A family of four eating out is at lest $50 per meal. Do that once per week and your looking at $200 per month. Your still gonna spend some of that money to eat but lets say your gonna save at least 70% or almost $150 per month.
5. Bring a lunch to school or work. You gotta figure at least $10 per day per adult. Two working adults going to A&P every day for lunch is probably around $100 per week so by bringing lunch you can easily save at least $300 per month for a couple. Gotta figure it'll cost around $100 for the same amount of food prepared at home.
6. If you can't afford the car payments on a new car, the stupidest thing you can do is be making payments on one. Or two for some families...Status doesn't mean sh*t when it comes to what car you drive. The moment you drive that car off the lot, you've lost. Looks good, feels nice, smells good...Really, who cares!
These are just some ideas of mine that I was thinking about while eating dinner. I know we've all become accustomed to our ways of living. I just think any little idea you can find will help out right now.
Luckily for me I haven't used tobacco in about 18 months, I haven't smoked weed in at least ten years, I don't drink, I bring a lunch to work every day(so does my son), my biggest vice is probably eating out. (We love us some Sandpiper). We do have one car payment but I can proudly say it's a used car.
So for us so far the biggest challenges have been not using the dryer or the oven. We've made a weekly trip to the laundry mat to dry our clothes. We use the BBQ almost every night. We generally only have either the TV "or" the computer on. We never have more than one light on.
I guess I can ramble on all night here.
I think the bottom line is there is a lot of stuff we can give up. So as one person I know said..."You could be in Iraq!"
Good thoughts CD. My family has cut out so many things. Mc'd's and Bullwinkles must hate us its been a month since we've darkened their door. We are living in 55 degrees and dark in the house and allowing TV and computer as the luxuries. It is a sad time but somehow we will make it. You are right, it could be worse. My brother is currently on his second tour in Iraq. He signed up willingly at 30 after 9/11 to protect the civil liberties of idiots like UNH. I can't look at his picture without getting choked up knowing that he could possibly giving his life so that idiots like SEACC can live and not appreciate that he gave all.
Your brother is a hero. I might have to agree with you about Ashley...She seems to be doing what she thinks is right...If she's sincere then I can relate...I just don't think we can pin this on AEL&P.
Definitely agree on not pinning it on AEL&P. At first I couldn't believe there were so many idiots in this town to buy into "it's AEL&P's fault", then I remembered most of them I see on Egan drive on a regular basis ;-)
BTW is the laundromat thing working for you, I've been debating doing that but figured they raised their prices too!
The laundry mat is working...You have to get past a bit of BO but we've been going to the one at Mend Mall and we can get it all done in a couple of hours...We bring a book...Only about half the machines work but we get in there and stake em out...
I know what you mean about the drivers, I think every high schooler goes to work at the same time as me...GRR...
Yep, if I get out the door a few minutes early or just a bit late its a straight shot in cruise control (saving gas), otherwise it is hairy scary all the way. Just love the idiots who come to a dead stop in the merge lane coming out of McDonald's or who won't let you merge in.
Check out KINY's new poll.
I actually gave her a fair rating...based on her not taking any crap from the big oil companies or making sure the Cruise industry implemented the initiative we passed...It went down on the recent handling of the capital/legislative move, the road north, and the way she treated our own legislative team re: the electric emergency...Though she probably can't stand them even more than myself...
Good advice Coffin on cutting costs in the monthly budget, keep up the good blog service.
conservomom, I agree too that your brother is a hero and I really appreciate he and the other military members putting their lives on the line for all of us.
Not much I can say in appreciation of Sarah P. these days....I think her appointees are leaving for valid reasons and that you can only skate on your good looks and speaking abilities for so long..she is really pitting the regions of the state against each other and with oil prices so high it is an excellent time to pursue infrastructure all over the state, build the road, order some new ferries for the runs not connected by roads, work on the power interties throughout SE AK...lots of good things that could be accomplished, but don't think she has the guts to do the right things for ALL Alaskans.
Let me know how your first bill looks. I am kind of thankful that we have been conserving and the first bill should be small, more reserves for the next one. Yes my little brother is a hero. He doesn't like it when I tell him so but man do I respect him.
Forgot to mention the laundromat. This winter my dryer died and while waiting 3 days for HD to deliver the new one I caved and took 7 loads over there. I foolishly put my 20 in the change machine only to have it take it and give me no quarters. At first I was pissed, then wanted to cry, then just pacing frustrated. I paced the place and saw this little index card on the back bulletin board with a cell # to call if you saw someone tearing up the place. I called it told the guy what happened, he ran across the street from the gas station, verified that what I said was true and gave me my quarters. Excellent customer service for Juneau. Too bad the place looks so run down. Think I may just be back over there with my 7 loads this weekend.
Good list, Coffin.
And Conservomom, the laundry mat is definitely worth it. We went twice, and it was actually really quick. They have some very fast dryers there!
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