Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Avalanche dooms us economically!

Does anyone have any ideas as to WTF we're gonna do about AEL&P?
Are we really gonna see our rates go up as much as 500%? I'm wondering if they're saying that so that when it only goes up 300-400% we'll say "Oh thank God, it's not as bad as we thought!"

I hope the city is devising a plan and working into the wee hours tonight. Doesn't AEL&P have insurance for this kind of crap?


The Juneau Alpine Working Group just wants a place to ride their machines.

They finally came up with an ideal place to go ride...Up behind Costco and up behind Blackerby Ridge towards the ice field. The issues before were the vandalism out at Echo and the noise in North Douglas. This place seems perfect and a few absolute loony lefties had to protest that idea on the grounds that we need to curb emissions or some such BS. Can you folks just let them ride somewhere!! Get over it. These people police themselves very well. A few idiots out at Echo just needed to f*ck it all up for the rest of them...

I don't even ride and I'm sick of these kinds of folks showing up everywhere to protest...Bob, was that you?

For more info you can go to:

Speaking of a protesters...

Seems Goldbelt gets to shuttle a few miners once the mine finally opens up...Avoided a big lawsuit there didn't ya SEACC!

I heard it through the grapevine there was a lot of bad backlash at SEACC HQ over that PR fiasco.

Speaking of SEACC...Anyone know where I can get a sticker of that little Calvin dude pissing on SEACC...I would gladly put that one on my truck.

SEACC sure has been quiet as of late?

For all the Douglas regulars with your panties in a wad because someone turned in someone with an open container in their car...

Get over it!

The law is the law and just because you have lived in Douglas forever doesn't exempt you from it...Have the decency to behave like grown-ups!


Anonymous said...

Good question about insurance for this kind of "crap"......worth looking into but since they probably don't..........
STATE OF ALASKA step in and help the good people of Juneau! My God, it is going to cost $$$$$ for a "cup of Joe" and help attribute to the idiots that think that is a reason for moving the capitol!

Anonymous said...

and what is the deal in yesterday's police & fire....2 people were pulled over for drunk driving and both were released with a verbal warning....and one was only 20, minor consuming and drunk driving....
come on JPD get with it!!

Anonymous said...

as far as douglas is has always been a place where the people who live there feel that they are above the law or just that the island is lawless. They also think it is the best place to live in juneau...ever been there in the is like fairbanks...DARK ALL THE TIME!! Which is just a recipie for destruction....lawlessness, Drinking WHILE Driving, Drunk Driving and Darkness.
Somebody is going to get ran over on that island....hope it isn't your kid.

The Coffin Dancer said...

Who wants the legislature to get a raise? LOL!!! Probably so they can make up for inflation and the rising cost of heating their homes...

Whats the deal with JPD letting people that are driving under the influence off with a warning?

Where is everyone?

Maybe SEACC can tackle some of these issues since they care so much...

Anonymous said...

To all you Douglas people..........Good for you! Who needs another sample of downtown Juneau!

Anonymous said...

so think it is ok to drink while must have moved to fl from douglas!
what do you mean about another sample of downtown....this makes no sense...please explain.

I Need A Strong Margarita said...

Where can I read about the Douglas incident?

Douglas and a few other places, like Tee Harbor, often remind me of creepy places that might be found in a Stephen King novel!

The Coffin Dancer said...

you can't read about it...but welcome to our little place here...

The Coffin Dancer said...

anyone know how I enable the comments to be shown under my post? I think we'd get more discussion here if I could do that...Bob, you seem to know everything?

BobStillBob said...

So I'm struggling with this electrical thing. Yeah, it sucks, and it'll be expensive. But if we expect the State or Feds to rush in to our rescue, what does that say to the villages who pay this much and more all the time?

Sure, nobody saw this coming, and people weren't prepared for it, but still...

The people that are really going to be wiped out by them. The rest of us, allow us to pay it off over say a year instead of lump sums. But it's OUR burden, not someone else's.

And Prancer, as far as getting the comments to appear below the articles, I think the best way to do it is for you to retype them manually. Hope that helps.

Mr. Not PC said...

Guess we will wait and see what the Assembly comes up with tonight, they have a sizeable rainy day fund I think, although the CBJ has over 80 million in unfunded PERS obligations to deal with sometime down the road.
I have to believe the AEL&P guys or their contractors could lay a temporary line down, splice both ends, and get the power rolling and then work on the towers, etc. etc. I just am doubtful the state of Anchorage is going to be supportive of our energy problems..

The Coffin Dancer said...

Bob...I have minions for that kind of thing...I despise micromanagement though...There is an easier tech support down in Florida will probably save me but she may not be available for a couple of days..

mr.not pc, sounds like you're on to something there..,

I was surprised no one picked up on the snow machine blurb I did...Thought for sure Bob would carry on about the environmental impact to the melting snow or the possible damage to the lack of rest the prisoners at Lemon Creek might get due to the noise...

Anonymous said...

bob....i know that you feel bad for the little villages BUT 90% of those people are subsidized by their native corps or the government....2 buildings in kake pay for their power..the cold storage and the grocery store....
don't feel so bad, k?

Anonymous said...

to read what JPD is up to every day go to:

it is under the daily bulletin....this is where the vampire gets the police and fire info...

good stuff...with names and everything!

Anonymous said...

Everyone should check out!!!! Its a good site!! Everyone is welcome!!!!