Sunday, April 27, 2008

You gotta see this! Tell me what you think about it!

Do you think it's fair for AEL&P to spread our rate hike over 12 months?

Do you think they should be able to charge interest since they received a interest free loan from the city?

Do your think it's fair that we have to incur the costs related to the avalanche?

Do you have any suggestions on how AEL&P could handle this better?


The Coffin Dancer said...

First of all, I want to say that I think it's fair as long as they don't charge interest...I wish I had some better ideas but I really don't...

I do believe it's fair that we "help" eat the cost associated with the avalanche as long as AEL&P doesn't show additional profit as a result of their loan or increased rates. The key word there is "help!"

I would also like assurances that the state or city is going to oversee their books for the next six months.

Anonymous said...

Of course you should pay the cost. This was an act of nature just as a hurricane, tornado, etc. I don't think any one entity should "eat" the cost. Help from the state or Feds would be a welcome relief as it was an act of nature.

Twirl And Tweak said...

I DON'T like having it spread out over the next 12 months. That would make my bill like, $300 a month for the next year.

Does AEL&P let us pay with credit cards now? Do they charge a "service fee"? If so, that fee should definitely be waived.

The Coffin Dancer said...

Great idea twirlandtweak!!! I'll email gayle wood and ask her...

Anonymous said...

I think it is the credit card companys that charge the interest..

ballzy said...

If you live in an expensive city like Juneau, you should expect to pay a premium for everything. I think I would be investing in a wood stove and solar products. Good luck!

The Coffin Dancer said...

Compared to most cities in the Northern coastal region of the US Juneau is right in line w/other places like Seattle, Portland, Anchorage etc...But thanks for the good luck wish!

Anonymous said...

AELP is a big company that makes millions of dollars! I think theyt need to bear the cost of this burden because they chose where to put the towers. Of course they shouldnt be able to charge interest! They could handle it better by being honest about everything!
I like how if I tell you guys how I really feel everyone gets pissed off at me but if act meek then know one says a thing?
Since thas the case I just have to say that SEACC rules and I'm glad to be a card carrying member, proud I care about this land and sad some of you people think big companies can just develop without an environmentally sound plan under the pretense of high paying jobs! Oh yeah! My roommates and I are cutting back on our electricity even though its included in our rent so there! I am doing my part!

Mr. Not PC said...

UNH, you need to get your tuition dollars back, your trust fund got screwed "educating" you.
I take it your roomates must be the Village People?
I think that the people of JNU are going to have to ante up without any help from the state...the rest of the legislature dislikes our local representatives so much they just are not going to feel motivated to assist us, nor is the Gov. So, unless the CBJ can convince AEL&P to accelerate the repairs and bridge these increases over time, we, like UNH's trust fund, are screwed too.
PS, why is the Auke Bay ferry terminal lit up like a Christmas tree all night long?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for the SEACC crowd to determine that replacing the lines will endanger the pink-footed snow hare or some never heard of before plant so that they can block the rebuild and screw all of us some more...

OneofWe said...

UNH dropout--you may have come here because you heard we had great green or like hairy women but I know you could find all you are looking for in SF--plus a colony of anti-capitalist, leaf-licking metro-sexual leninists who would welcome you with hairy armpits. CBJ is not a bank and shouldn't make loans with taxpayer money. AELP should charge what it costs to provide power during the fuel burning--if some can't pay they should work with them on a case by case basis. However, if you don't have a couple grand in the bank or buried in a coffee can in your back yard you probably can't afford to live in Juneau and should consider relocation--this is an expensive place to live.

The Coffin Dancer said...

welcome back oneofwe...

Anonymous said...

i missed one of we....and the bleeding anus needs to quit being so f'n jealous that all the cool people came over here....since we got AXED!!!!!

Mr. Not PC said...

Well, the state turned down the request declare the Juneau power situation as a disaster no surprise there I guess?
Guess we all just have to buck up and ride it out...The Guv and our delegation really went to mat for us on this one didn't they?