Does anyone know where I can get a sticker of Calvin peeing on SEACC?
I just want to say congratulations to the governor and her family and welcome Trig Paxson Van Palin into our world. I know he was born a month early and I hope and pray that everything will be alright.
Can you believe it his 17 degrees last night!!! WTF!! If I had a job south right now I would seriously consider...well, never mind. BRRRR!!!
Did anyone read the friday update at the Empire regarding a hoax fax being sent around? The fax states that some businesses are closing down early do cut energy costs and has official looking Empire heading...That's just cold...Things are gonna get bad enough for businesses dealing with the energy crisis.
Wow, it's only been since Sunday and I'm getting over 300 hits per day. I've been tweaking it on a daily basis trying to find something that I like to look at. I've been getting a lot of feedback from friends and family and of course my arch Empire nemesis...Bob.
So far in one short week we've attempted to call out Mr. Meyer for both trying to get the capital moved up North(and dug up some Wasilla property he owns), trying to hide the cost of said move, we've watched the legislator fail to get us some financial relief in spite of our surplus due to high oil prices(Kevin Meyer again), an avalanche, and of course my latest bright idea...The abolishment of city sales tax on energy utilities.
Some other issues that our attention has been diverted far...Stone's trying to run our fishermen out of town for the sake of yachters and sailboaters, the left wing nuts trying to stop the snowmachiners from using the area behind Costco, JPD not arresting drunk drivers, and other small issues that I guarantee we'll be covering.
For some reason I think we'll talk about tourists or SEACC soon...
Get someone taking a pix of you peeing on SEAAC.
LOL!!! That's a good one. I will! Or if anyone wants to send me a not too obscene pic I'll post it.
Good idea heartless. I know someone who might volunteer to take the picture.
In some crude way I think T&T might be flirting with me...? Careful, I have a woman...and she bites!
It's also her birthday...ahem..ahem...
"Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you...happy birthday dear mmmm mmmm...happy birthday to you (belted out loudly in a C minor)"
I definitely wasn't flirting with you! Ew.
It's an honor to be considered someone's "arch nemesis" without even trying. But it's pretty obvious that your real nemesis is your IQ level, or perhaps your sick, uncontrollable sexual perversions (compulsion to be photographed urinating in public...), or even the fact that you're a panty-waist ("17 degrees...BRRRRR"). But hey, I'm happy to be helpful.
I still can't believe you actually reproduced...
Bob...lest we forget to remind the're the liberal pantywaste trapped in a real mans body...all our Empire crossovers remember your staunch support of SEACC...
The desire to unrinate on all things SEACC is quite strong though and for that I bow my head in giddy shame.
Well, you're at least right about the "real man's body" part. And that ain't a come-on, sicko.
whoops, dind't meant to slip in an actual compliment...
speaking of liberal panty wastes...what happened to the rest of fellow SEACCers?
They afraid I'll give em too much attention?
Coffin really have someone having a birthday??? oboy...
I agree that it sounds as though t&t seems to be flirting with you.
Sounds like Bob might like to take your pix...says he likes to be helpful.
Why not organize a group photo of folks peeing on a SEACC sign? I thought Joe Kahklen's My Turn was right on last week.
I never see SEACC donating $$$ to any kids events/fundraisers, etc...all they do is pay their own lawyers and cause the majority of Alaskans to pay more for development projects as they will sue anybody and anything at the drop of a hat to "save the pristine muskegs". Then they move out of town (ala Emily Ferry) never to be seen again to pony up for those increased costs themselves...just us local yokels foot the bill.
Wow. You guys are some real revolutionaries. "Let's get together and pee on a sign." Gee, I shudder to think what you'll do next, but if Prancer's involved, you'll probably be asked to keep your flies unzipped.
So you'd feel better about SEACC if they had a Toys-for-Tots program?
Well Bob, we'd get arrested for going and kicking their asses, which is what we'd really rather do anyway.
Sadly, there is nothing SEACC could do to make me like them other than them just leaving town....(on the ferry no less), since they will be suing the state over the road to Skagway next. ?Bob, will we be seeing you driving your suburu with the kayak racks up to Skagway?
Just wanted to correct a few inaccuracies here....Bob is a pseudo capitalist metro-sexual trapped in an F250 (might have a kayak in the long bed).....RE SEACCERS.....I'm sure that some of them enjoy the golden shower already. Now-where to find the pics?
I'm a Chevy man.
This is what I love the most about blogging...Bob gets a little sand in his va...Although to his credit, he's the only SEACCer willing to show his font and bless us with his presence...
I saw another great calvin sticker this morning...he was pissing on PETA! LOL! I love animals but those folks are almost as bad as SEACC...
Everyone should check out!!!! Its a good site!! Everyone is welcome!!!!
If StillBob really is a Chevy man, he just moved up a notch in my book, as I am a GMC guy it is nice to have some in common with a SEACC fan, although I should qualify my rig is a 4x4, maybe his Chevy is a Vega or something?
I don't think we would break granola together, but I can try to be nice to the guy.
Careful Mr. PC...he's cracking your armor! Probably drives a hybrid...LOL, they don't realize the real footprint on those includes a ridiculous amt of plastic and battery power...
Still no one has answered my question of where to get one of those Calvin pissing on SEACC...Probably not at Rainbow foods...
What a bunch of right wing bullshit! Whoever Bob is, he isn't really a friend of SEACC or he'd put you stupid fucks in your place. SEACC is trying to save you idiots from yourselves and you can't even see it!
You have no idea who Diane Benson is. She has been trying to make Alaskans, women, and Alaskan Natives see that Don Young is a good ol boy who doesn't really care about the environment.
The fool that calls himself "coffindancer" is about the most confused fuckin idiot ever. Oh my God! The only thing he's right about is Kevin Meyer. Everything else isn't even printable. I give this blog maybe another week before the educated people of southeast Alaska see you for what you really are. A right wing wannebe!
You can probably get your stupid fuckin sticker at your local country bar you fuckin yokel!
How can a college grad spell f*cking wrong? Must be the only thing you couldn't do while you were in college...If by UNH you're talking about U of New Hampshire then you are the biggest thing that is wrong with SEACC in this town...I rest my case! You also spelled wannabe wrong...probably on prove a point huh?
As far as Bob must have never taken part in the Empire blogs, cuz trust me, he'd make your dumb *ss proud and he's a heck of a lot more articulate than you...
Enuf with the hero worship already!
unhgrad is pretty he got a free ride for his education, and is freeloading at some non profit organization or government entity...any of that ring true Mr. Educated dude?
Get a grip on yourself if you can find it and go hug that tree this morning, you will feel better about yourself.
Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge. UNH Grad in AK only gargles.
I believe that the sticker you are looking for was a limited batch that a design guy did for himself. I would call the places that do bumper stickers and banners and the like and ask them. If you find the place that sells them, let us know.
If I can find them I'll sell them here...I'll make some calls...I think we chased him off...
There is also a bumper sticker running around:
"Waterboard SEACC
Enough is Enough"
Have you seen it?
So....i think the stickers come from sign pro...check it out!!
Sign Pro it is...I got their permission to give them a shameless plug...It will be in tomorrows post. $10.50 for one and $7.89 if you order two...He also said they're the ones that do the Calvin pissing on PETA...LOL
While you're at it...why not one of Calvin peeing on AELP?
Show him peeing on a power pole with bolts of electricity zapping him in the...uh, well...I guess it'd represent how the good citizens of Juneau feel anyway.
Your kinda shit Prancer.
Or better yet, a guy with a hood on his head standing on a crate, like the Abu Graib prisoners (representing the citizens on Juneau) wired up to an AELP substation...
To tag onto Still Bob's a "Don't phase me Bro" AELP can get us reconnected much quicker than 3 350K per day, they need to take drastic action to get a temp.power line rolling. To hell with the polleywogs and a few eagle trees, drop that line by helicopter wherever they can do it.
Pathetic! I notice the time of a lot of your posts. Don't you people work? You act like ignoramuses and you must actually be. Probably sit home with Jerry Springer on all day.How about Calvin peeing GW or McCain or the companies that caused the mortgage sub-prime collapse? Real issues. You fools don't even know what working for a real cause is all about! By the way Dancer(lame name)I do know how to spell fucking, I was just trying to stoop so "y'all" would get it.
As far as the soldier returning from duty? No one made him sign up. My father was a conscientious objector and was more respected than any soldier I've ever met. I won't disrespect him on his little tribute page though. As for "save the wails" you don't know what I gargle so you should keep quiet and not let everyone know how stupid you really are.
Well UNH, those are some good fighting type words you managed to spew out...I guess it is good that you know who your father was,(surprising) but don't ever diss anyone in our military around me in public or you won't be able to gargle your boyfriend again.
You should be heading back to Berkeley for the summer shouldn't you?
Don't let the door hit you on the ass.
Tell me more buddy. Please use the profanities. I love how you liberal "sophisticated" folk talk. I am sooooo inspired. Can you even spell moron? Bet you can, cuz your from new hapsher! I am pretty sure what you and your conscientious objector daddy gargle on. It rhymes with firm!
I want a decal of Calvin pissing on UNH!
Note the time little buddy.
Note the time here too UNH; I think you got the message loud and clear, although we didn't provide a picture for you to follow what we are saying "since you are well educated". I'm thinking Ted Kennedy country is where you will thrive. Let me donate some Costco size Listerine for you before you leave.
Kids, you're being taken in. UNH is a figment of Prancer's imagination. Fling some liberal smack around to get you regressives riled up - just like chumming, and you're taking the bait.
That Prancer - a bit more clever than I give him credit for. But he's still a perv.
You caught me Bob...Thought I'd get one by ya...
Really, I am guilty of emailing links to SEACC, the assembly, Kevin Meyer, and the governor...Hoping for a little attention.
A figment of my imagination wouldn't involve some weak minded liberal like you Bob...
But ya gotta admit Prancer that the sticker of Calvin getting zapped while pissing on a broken AELP power pole would sell like hotcakes around here.
I want a cut of the profits since you'll be using my idea.
LOL Bob...After the story I just heard on NPR I might have to agree with you...
YOU listen to NPR? Your conservative creds are fraying.
Missed the story...
what a loser....and bob, don't think prancer would stoop that are right though....made my morning AT WORK great!! I laughed and laughed and everyone looked funny at me.....
props to mr. not are the shit!! gargle your boyfriend!!
i want to see the beat down on youtube!!!
Fuck Off!
well....that shows your true colors!
real witty there.
why don't you take your fuck off and move back to san fran.
us born and raised alaskans shouldn't have to deal with fags like you...taking up our clean air.
i meant to say that my co-workers looked at me funny, not looked funny at me....although they do look funny!
hee hee
So wii, since I am new at blogging, what does "props to" mean?
Hope your co-workers don't call the Silver bullet van for you today...
PS, I think UNH or Prancer or whoever he is was just looking for punishment, his gate probably swings that way.
well mr. not pc....i am not trying to be snotty here at is hard to explain, got kids?
Ask them...they must be pretty awesome if they are your kids....probably have some real important things to say of their own...if they do you should turn them on to this blog!
I guess it is just slang for "good job" but I bet it could be explained better than that......
props - "respect, recognition" (example. Gotta give that girl props for her web site...)
this is from the slang dictionary!
Ah so, thanks Wii...I do have two sons here in town, so will sic them onto this site.
Thanks for the compliment by the way!
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