Monday, April 14, 2008

Kevin Meyer!!

This just so happens to be picking up some steam, although I'm disappointed in the number of people voting and commenting on my blog, I've gotten several hundred hits in the last couple of days. Thanks mom!

I have heard from two very prominent Alaskans agreeing with my idea(that he's a douchbag), both saying they can't come out publicly and say that. Meyer does have the right to respond right here if he can do it with a straight face...If he has the testicular fortitude?

I wonder how much this piece of property would go up if the capital/legislature moved to South central?
This could be a different Kevin Meyer from Anchorage with this lot in Wasilla? It was too late last night for me to keep digging. If I'm wrong then I'll just delete this post! Kidding, I'll eat crow.

By the way(change of subject) several of my fisherman buddies have been complaining about Mr. Stones running them out of the harbors...Anyone care to comment on this? I'll see if I can't get a quote from him(Stone) in the near future. I'd like to hear from fisherman on this subject or anyone really. Ed, Kathy, Roger, or Darrell? Love to hear from any of you...

In case any of you don't know, we lose a lot of fish revenue when these guys relocate to Hoonah. We get a small percentage of every fish they catch on top of the money they spend here. WTF Mr. Stone? It might be time to run your East Coast *ss back to the other end of the country. We happen to like our fishermen here. We don't really care about the sailer's and yachters if it's at the expense of our fleet. The rest of Southeasts fleet (especially Petersburg) isn't very happy about how much it cost to spend the night here in the summer. I'd love to hear from Charlie, Ben Darrel, or Mark from the Viking fleet about their opinions on these issues.

This is enough for now, I gotta go to work...


The Coffin Dancer said...

Couple of notes here...First of all, I will change his nickname as to not offend some of our ladies. Some suggestions would be nice.

Secondly, I am mostly a Republican at least I have mostly voted that way. But at this point I would take someone really smart(Brittany Spears) to replace Mr. Meyer. I don't care their party affiliation. Some of these lifer politicians knew what they were getting into when they started and now they want to be home...Get out of office then...

The Coffin Dancer said...

In an earlier post I had given a link to contact Mr. Meyer...It's no longer releveant I guess...Her you go though:

Lianne said...
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Anonymous said...

whats the point of a blog if you are going to be all PC?
As far as i am concerned....i like the nickname douche bag!
I use it all the time!

The Coffin Dancer said...

Glad you said that, I've been thinking about it and I think I should just keep it real and not be PC. Thanks for the nudge. Glad you're here...

The Coffin Dancer said...

By the way, it has come to my attention that some of my links aren't working in my articles. Lesson learned, I will test before I publish from here on out...

Anonymous said...

Mr Meyer obviously owns property in Southcentral and cares less about the people of Southeast. Greed motivation?

On the Frank Initiative.......who would spend ANY money without knowing where it goes???? Only a moron!

BobStillBob said...

So Prancer, are you still doing that S&M shit with Frankie down in your Mom's basement?

Hi Wii-Wii!

BobStillBob said...

And regarding ol' douche-bag, I wonder how we can best alert his constituents to his real nature...

On the harbor stuff, I understand where the fishing fleet is coming from, and don't disagree. But on the upside, I got a slip for my new boat after a three-month wait. My buddy with a similar sized boat waited seven years... I'm happy to be paying their fees after being bent over by Fisherman's Bend for all those years!

Anonymous said...

i missed you bob....nice to hear from you here...this should be fun as soon as coffin gets the rest of his groupies on here!

The Coffin Dancer said...

Bob!! Am I glad to see you! I've actually had ole Frankie down there for a few months now..."It puts the lotion in the basket!"

We always knew we agreed on some stuff. Getting a email to these legislatures is harder than I thought but my next step is to let his constituents know through the Valley paper. I'll be on it tonight.

Nice that you got a slip...I guess but I can't stand losing our fleet. I love my fish!

I bet you thought you'd never hear me say I'm glad to see you...

Anonymous said...

we need someone putting you in your place around here...think you are the blog czar now, eh?

The Coffin Dancer said...

Look what else he's done for us all.

If ever there was a year we could use a little help. This guy f*cked us all. $500 per person that was going to get a dividend. Look at the update on the Empire web site!

I can't stop with this guy yet...I was going to move on...Stay tuned tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you got this started and hopefully we can spread the word to motivate people to say enough is enough and lets get back to basics in this town. I am tired of the granolas stopping and delaying everything pro development oriented, not to mention trying to stop us from enjoying our gas powered toys.

BobStillBob said...

Well, it's nice to be welcomed somewhere...but Wii Wii should be enough for you if you ask me.

Donnn Liston and Brad Flush and the rest of the regressives over in Empireland are getting tired of me pointing out that they have their heads planted firmly up their asses day after day. At the very least it'll be nice to do that in a new font once in awhile. And without a ****ing language cop spanking me. (Is there a language cop here?)

Oh, can you add little voting '+' and '-' scores so I can vote for my own posts?

A "Prancer Groupie"...never thought I'd sink so low...but here I am.

Oh, and Prancer...thanks for taking the effort to set this up.

BobStillBob said...

Get a name Anonymous, so we can give you shit in person when you deserve it...which is probably soon by the sounds of it.

Or do I have to be nice to newbies Prancer?

The Coffin Dancer said...

fire away bob, anonymous is getting a name, he's asking how. Maybe you can help him. I've got a baby crying I have to go take care of...Not actual 9 month old!

BobStillBob said...

Holy crap! They let you REPRODUCE Prancer? I thought that was kinda ruled out after the court-order surgery...

Well, congrats on that anyway.

Anonymous, you just need to set up an account on Google. It's pretty straightforward. And will eliminate the 'name pirating' bullshit that was happening on VOXBOX.

If you're having trouble figuring something that simple out, well... you're in for trouble posting smack around here then. But if you're stuck maybe I can help you out.

Mr. Not PC said...

Ok, bobstillbob, got it figured out, too early for me to verbally assault your granola ass as I do have a job to earn a living, unlike your liberal family trust fund loving self....will catch up with you later!
Signed, formerly anonymous.