Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Others around the state don't really care about our energy crisis?

What a shocker! I have to admit, I really don't care about what goes on up north either...Especially at Ethans house...But I digress, really, who here ever gives much thought to what goes on in Anchorage, Fairbanks, or bush Alaska? Me neither, so why should they?

Then there is this...

Here is your AEL&P president, in all his glory. He has a chance to show he is for the community, but has decided that he is all that and us little people should get a life.

AEL&P President Tim McLeod said he couldn't find a way to give "parallel rates" to customers that allowed some to pay over time while others paid in full each month. AEL&P is not in the position to extend loans to its customers, McLeod said. He encouraged customers having trouble paying their bill next month to borrow money from the bank

This is why people are fed up.

We even made the national news:

Kind of funny...I think they make it sound a bit worse than it is...A run on lamp oil for God's sake...You should check out the picture of a bunch of yuppie looking Juneauites convening to share a meal and energy in hard times...LOL!

It's Here: The Norwergian Star has landed!

I had to drive through a few dozen early morning tourists...A little bumpy but I managed without spilling my morning and coffee my preferred early morning pick me up...Most of the ones I spared didn't seem too thrilled about the weather...LOL!

By the way...Does anyone have any rice to spare?

Seems like we're being bought out here in town...Gee, I wonder what group is buying it all? I hear the price has doubled...American growers are stating there is no rice shortage in the US, regardless of the world stocks...

“Little man that’s lying.”

Rep. Don Young and Sean Parnell, who is one of the Republicans challenging Young for his U.S. House seat, are trading shots over their differing recollections of a conversation last year, according to a Fairbanks Daily News-Miner story today. Parnell, in comments to the paper’s editorial board, apparently saw Young’s remarks during a conversation over the split between congressional delegation and the governor’s office as threats to his political career and to Gov. Sarah Palin’s. Young, however, saw his part of the talk as “friendly advice.”

Young called Parnell a “little man that’s lying,” according to the story. The story goes on to look at other aspects of Young’s re-election effort and his relationship with the governor’s office, which is not good. “I work with the Legislature real well, but how can I work with someone who is supporting my opponent?” Young said of Palin’s endorsement of Parnell.

This is gonna be good...I don't really like Young, can't stand Berky, and if Sarah will endorse Sean "P. Diddy" Parnell then I may just have to root for him...Depends on where he stands on the capital move issue though!

No new news on Ethan B.'s alternative lifestyle in any paper today?

I did find this cute little photo-op though...


Anonymous said...

check this out- SEACC buddies Greenpeace are out to save the Bering Sea- dammit now we won't get to watch anymore Deadliest Catch...

The Coffin Dancer said...

SEACC, so useful...kind of like a wart on my big toe...What we really need is a giant tube of Compound W!

Anonymous said...

This is not a joke you fucking moron! People are gonna starve in this town because of this shit! Can you let the Ethan stuff go! He's got a family you fool! That stuff was right wing propaganda to smear him.

Anonymous said...

I agree on letting the Ethan stuff go.

Anonymous said...

I get that no one cares about Juneau but shouldn't they since their PCE is going to go down and their rates go up as a result of our rates going up?

Anonymous said...

I forgot to address UNH's comment. I love how when the shoe is on the other foot it needs to stop. Left wing propaganda from the mouths of idiots like UNH are destroying our state but we aren't supposed to comment in a right wing way? As for Ethan, he's a little creepy looking but once in awhile makes sense. He's not the first politician to get struck by media ploys. Comes with the territory.

Anonymous said...

He said smear him!

Anonymous said...

Who cares if he's gay! It's nobody's business! What does that have to do with how good he'll do in WA?

Anonymous said...

Why do you keep plugging this thing in the Anchorage paper?
I like your opinions though! He is a trust fund baby.