Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sara want Legislature to rethink some relief for Alaskans?

It seems our lady Sara has decided to send the Legislature back to the drawing board to rethink some energy relief for the whole state...I knew Mr. Meyer would suffer...If you don't remember, it was Kevin "the Douche Bag" Meyer that said we shouldn't add some money to the PFD for all Alaskans...Even in light of our massive oil profits surplus...

This is from a past post here:
"Rep. Kevin Meyer, R-Anchorage, helped stop one bill in the House Finance Committee that would have given every Alaskan an extra $500 on their Permanent Fund Dividend, saying he wanted to avoid the creation of new entitlement programs."

At the time, like many Alaskans, I was furious...You can look at my post from April 19th to find out what we all thought of this dipsh*t then...

The best part of all this of course is that they have to have a special session this summer! LOL!
Eat sh*t Mr. Meyer for not using some of our surplus when we needed it the most you...

Here's yesterdays story from the Anchorage Daily News:

Can you believe Exxon?

They have the nerve to sue us for lost future revenue to the tune of $800 million! After tying up their oil spill lawsuit for 20 years they decided to sue us when we made their leases go bye-bye because they didn't follow the agreement they had signed to develop these oil and gas leases within a reasonable amount of time...

I say we banish them from doing business in our state!
Read this if you can stomach it...


Drug Dealer Denied Bail...

How sad that he was supposed to be a big time drug dealer but was born too stupid to be successful in this endeavor...The scariest part is that if he would have made bail, he would have been allowed to work as a home appraiser? Wonder how many jobs he cased doing that?



ConservoMom said...

dang where is everyone? It's gloomy enough outside you know folks are sitting around by the light of their computers. Summary- Exxon sucks, Sara Sucks.....nuf said?

The Coffin Dancer said...

I know...I have been soooo tired lately, I haven't been able to put as much effort into this blog as I'd like to. But I really want it to work out. I am thinking of renaming it...
Any suggestions? I think it gets confusing if you google it...There's so many similar named blogs...

I love your summary...I'm starting to distrust Sara alot more now...

I'm kind of sad because I really liked her before...sob...

ConservoMom said...

I opted to ignore the drug dealer, that scumbag makes Sara and Exxon appear to be wearing halos. Will have to think on name ideas. I thought Sara was a breath of fresh air when she blew into to town, should have listened the naysayers that said she was going to move the capital.

ConservoMom said...

Speaking of PFD's I saw something on the Alaska Report or Progressive Alaska- can't remember which last week about the current price of oil and calculating our PFD's. At 105 a barrel they were calculating PFD's at $2750 and now we are $126. At that rate I might be able to afford to buy heating fuel this winter.

ConservoMom said...

How about Hard Rock Life, a tribute to the mines, recognition for what it's going to take to get that road built, and true story of how it goes in Juneau these days?

Anonymous said...

1. Yes to renaming the blog.
2. No suggestions for a name. Will get back to you on that.
3. Honey, you need to proofread! I find too many typos in your blog, and personally I think that takes away from your credibility.
4. Yes, Sara sucks. This should come as no surprise to Southeast. She gave a speech during her campaign and said, "I am going to Juneau to work for the Valley." Her agenda was never really hidden.
5. Exxon. I'm just over that. Sometimes if you pay too much attention, you overdose on stupid.
6. The drug dealer. Hilarious. I just read about his requests and LAUGH. Good thing our judges aren't being fooled. Sometimes Collins makes me nervous, but so far she's standing her ground with him.
7. You should un-moderate your blog. It's too bad some people had to ruin it, but you shouldn't let them win.

Anonymous said...

now that you have turned into a nazi and started moderating everyones free speech nobody wants to be here anymore.

Twirl And Tweak said...

Anonymous, you're probably the same sicko freak who was posting those disgusting pictures. Of course you want it unmoderated.

If there are ever young people who were to have stumbled onto this board and had seen those pictures, they might need life-long therapy.

Coffin Dancer is doing the right thing by moderating. And in my opinion, he DIDN'T let whoever was doing that win. He took their ability to force their own sick and disgusting fetishes on normal people.

If you don't like it, you could always leave. Start your own blog if you think you could do so much better.

Coffin, I do agree on the proofreading, though. Maybe your SO would do it for you?

Mr. Not PC said...

I think we Juneauites had our heads in the sand...once she pulled her kids out of school and didn't care if her commissioners lived here, we were toast.
Between Alaska Airlines, SEACC, our delegation and our Mayor, we need to change our direction in this town and soon. Good that AA softened their statements today, but all we need now is for them to cut down on flights to JNU to seal the "coffin"...SEACC will win and we will be a population of 15,000 with nothing but trust funders being able to live here.

The Coffin Dancer said...

Thanks for the feedback Bleeding...Looks like Twirlandtweak may have found a solution for the proofreading, I'll have to run it by her....I usually post before I walk out the door in the morning, at the last possible minute.

Unmoderating it can't be an option because there seems to be an absolute *sshole out there...However, I have yet to prevent a single post...

Mr.not pc,
As I've stated before...you should be running this town...I agree with you on all fronts...

Anonymous said...

I do not like the moderation either but only takes one A** hole to ruin things. So, do as you must and ignore anon as he/shit/it is probably missing the nasty pix or his mate.

Anonymous said...

MR NOT PC.......you are SOOOOOOOO right! I vote for MR NOT PC for mayor! Or maybe Governor!
I guess JNU school district isn't good enough for MS Saras family. Sad...she is showing her true colors.