Friday, May 9, 2008

SEACC's economic affect on our community is magnetized by our energy crisis!

This is the bottom line: They are costing us good paying, long term jobs that would stimulate Juneau's economy. We were all set to open the most environmentally sound mine in history that would have already provided hundreds of very good paying jobs, pumping millions of dollars into our economy...

Then along came SEACC...Like a cancerous wart on the heartbeat of our town...They won't go away. If you don't believe they haven't negatively affected you, your family, or your business then you are probably a trust fund baby or still living with mom....Or worse yet, you came up to Alaska fresh out of college because some liberal professor somewhere "encouraged" you to go up there and join "the movement." Like sheep you flocked up here stupidly...

Anyways, can you imagine if the mine had gone through a few years ago...The road would have been built at a much lower cost...Now it's gonna cost billions, and make no mistake, it will get built...The only folks making money now are the attorneys getting paid on both sides and the SEACC board as they continue to get misguided funds from people that are so clueless they think Hilary Clinton would make a good president...

Vic Kohring got 3 1/2 years...

Almost makes you wonder whats gonna happen to the folks that ratted all these guys out? Dang people, if your gonna be bribed, make it for some real money! We're talking less than $1000 most times he went to the well...He deserves more time for being that stupid...My momma always says if your gonna steal something it better be worth a million dollars or more cuz if you get better have enough stashed for when you get out...

For more really good coverage go here:

Looks like there might be some relief for most of us!

Juneau Unplugged prepares application for assistance with electric bills.
The United Way has contracted with Catholic Community Services to implement the program to help the most vulnerable Juneau residents pay their higher electric bills.

One million dollars was initially appropriated by the Assembly. Another one point five million is potentially available depending on how many apply. The applications were finished Thursday and will be available at Saturday's Reenergizing Juneau Forum at the Mendenhall Mall.

Former City Manager Kevin Ritchie is heading up the Juneau Unplugged program. He says applications will be accepted after May 16. In the meantime, its an opportunity for eligible households to review it and get the income verification ready to submit along with their electric bill and the application.

The guideline for eligibility is 200 percent of the federal poverty guideline adjusted for Alaska. That means a single person household could up to $26,000 per year and a family of four could earn up to $54,000.


ConservoMom said...

A-fricking-men CD. SEACC is the biggest boil on the backside of Southeast Alaska. They are like no-see-um's; obnoxius, painful and they just never go away.

Anonymous said...

conservomom I couldn't have said it better!

The Coffin Dancer said...

I bet almost a dozen people must have shown up for the rally...Any word? I need to know...

ConservoMom said...

I completely forgot about it. Wonder what kind of turn out they had?

The Coffin Dancer said...

I actually just got word that there was at least a 100 people or more..! That's scary!

Mr. Not PC said...

I am starting to wonder if Sarah Palin is in cahoots with SEACC....they are almost two of a kind as far as SE Alaska is concerned...she is better looking than most of the SEACC bunch and must smell better as she keeps making babies...what the hell is she thinking on this road issue? It is a no brainer that it is the best investment for all of Alaska to build it (all the way to Skagway) and reallocate the ferries to the rest of SE. I hope all of her commissioners fly the coop on her and expose her for what she is pulling on Juneau. Where is the leadership and tough decision making conservative she proclaims to be??

The Coffin Dancer said...

hopefully twirlandtweak got us some pics...

Anonymous said...

mr.not pc, Governor Palin is a deceitful person. Her platform (which she has fallen off of) while running for Gov was just b.s. She has sold the people of JNU down the Gastineau Channel! I see that FAI will get the aid they need. To hell with the people of SE AK. Something is wrong here.......

ConservoMom said...

How many of them were in skirts with hairy legs, birkenstocks and smelled of BO? You know all of the entitlement crew of SEACC were there en masse. They probably all sang Kumbaya and chained themselves to the Capitol too!

ConservoMom said...

Dang UNH is quiet today, he must be in a tree stand between the columns of the Capitol!

ConservoMom said...

In the 90's Ketchikan started a "where's Tony?" campaign as he allowed SEACC to run rampant and destroy the mills. Anyone up for a "Where's Sara?" campaign?

Anonymous said...

Please get rid of that pix of Hillary. Ruins the appetite!

Mr. Not PC said...

Heartless and Conservomom, we need you two to get in an elevator with Sarah P. and tune her up for five minutes, it might mess up her hair, but maybe the dose of reality would be good for her.
I like the "Wheres Sarah" bumper sticker idea...maybe a map of Alaska with the star on Wasilla in the background?
She is the Hillary of Alaska at the moment.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that sarah could handle converomom and myself. I might end up breaking a nail...
I also like the Wheres Sarah bumper sticker idea w/Wasilla. Mr. notpc are you going to run with that idea?

Mr. Not PC said...

I will check with one of the local print shop guys and see if he can whip something up appropriate for the beehive hairdoed gal...will put courtesy of heartless and conservomom on the tagline?
I am waiting to see the UNH crowd photos with their treehanging gear up at the Capitol building yesterday....any of those floating around yet?

Anonymous said...
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Mr. Not PC said...

Check out the Anchorage daily news today, couple of letters, one from a Juneau SEACC man, Bruce Baker, with the current "Against the Road" smear campaign, and another from Palin country...JNU is getting screwed and not even kissed from the Guv and SEACC.

"Avalanches reason to move capital" (ADN today)

The current power crisis in Juneau due to an avalanche certainly demonstrates how isolated and vulnerable that city can be. One can only imagine how other natural events such as an earthquake might affect that area and how disruptive it would be to our state government functions.

Now might be an opportune time to explore moving many key facilities to a more central and accessible location. Just a thought.

-- Richard W. Garner

Anonymous said...

Coffin that cant really be on SEAYUK's site.. tho it accuuratly portrays what they are dooing to us. were they or you hacked?

Anonymous said...

You just were hacked again. Some brilliant person is jealous of your blog and wants to show all of us his A*hole. So to whoever thinks he has a beautiful "hole" you are a sick sick person. You need to check in to a facility for perverted, extremely ill people. I hope you don't give birth.......I hate to think of what you would do to your child. You sick f_ck!

Anonymous said...
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ConservoMom said...

Sorry guys a rare sunny Saturday in Juneau required my immediate attention. I bet if we were to go for the bumper stickers they would move like hotcakes. No surprise on the letter in the ADN, they are always finding excuses to move the Capitol.

On another note anyone see that Sara has asked the SBA to step in and help small businesses in Juneau hurt by the electrical problem? Guess she didn't like having to pay the extra 5% on her mocha at Silverbow!

Anonymous said...

Fuck you guys. You missed out on a rad rally. You're stupid fucking blog was actually mentioned> I laughed so hard! Why are you removing posts from here! What am I missing?

Anonymous said...

What the fuck Prancer? Now your moderating huh? Hahahaha, someones fucking with you! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

UNH........some small minded person is putting very foul pictures of their backside. Coffin Dancer is doing the right thing. Total grossness is not what normal people want to look at.

Anonymous said...

unh.......we hope it isn't your A*hole that keeps coming up on the site. We may disagree with you but I'm hoping that you have more decency then that.

Mr. Not PC said...

It took me awhile, but I figured out who UNH is. He is Eddie Haskel's (sp) son from Leave it to Beaver.
For those of you too young to remember, Eddie was the kid that was socially "challenged" you would say, that nobody really liked and was always lying and devious, but never really fooling anybody.
So Eddie, you have been outed dude, next we will find out where you live.

Anonymous said...

SEACC isn't responsible for your livelihood. After the road and the mine are built, what will the lazy whiners have left to blame? Fact is, it's ridiculously easy to get a job in Juneau. If you don't like SEACC, feel free to move down south where your types have already screwed up the environment beyond repair.