Monday, May 12, 2008

What the f*ck?

How come we can't get a little help but Sarah's willing to throw money away at villages that need relocating? This is even dumber than rebuilding New Orleans in the same spot. Basically, spend millions now, so we can spend billions later. You've got to read this story from the ADN!

I'm starting to trust her less and less...All we're looking for is a temporary reprieve. Any little bit could have made a difference, especially in light of our state surplus from oil revenue. If anything lil miss Ashley should direct most of her anger at Gov. Sarah and less on AEL&P.


ConservoMom said...

Funnier yet is that isn't she the one squealing about transparency and getting off the "public dole" with earmarks yet she is counting on them to help out in this case. So why can't we have a road and Ketchikan their bridge then? Apparently what is good for the goose isn't good for the gander. I am convinced she would just as soon sell Southeast to the canadians!

Anonymous said...

Oh! now you want a handout. You can't make up your mind can you Prancer! I was at that rally and I think you aren't being fair to Ashley. She has become a voice for a lot of people. She's not going to stand for people in power walking all over us! She is up their with Cindy Sheehan! A true Amereican hero! I dare you to put this on there. It will make you look stupid mister moderatro!

The Coffin Dancer said...

Even though you're an a-hole unhgrad I will still publish your posts...I have to do this because I don't want that nasty stuff on here...

I'm with you conservomom...If we didn't need that oil revenue we would be better off by ourselves...I bet we could make due with our fish, mining, logging, and tourist dollars...All we need to do is give SEACC the boot!

Anonymous said...

What handout? Do you not think SE AK deserves anything?
Cindy Sheehan, a hero? Oh my God! You are a mental midget!

Anonymous said...

No one cares about Juneau.The rest of the state doesn't care about you.
We think the capital should be up here in the Mat-Su and if you can't tell already, so does the Governor.
Quit your bitching and if you don't like it then you can either move up here or get out of Alaska where in most cases life is much worse.

ConservoMom said...

My thoughts precisely heartless. Cindy Sheehan a hero?! WTF! I have to give credit to Ashley though she does seem to speak for those who are going to be screwed the most, the middle class. Good for her for being willing to stand up and say what she thinks. Now if she would dump the likes of UNH she might gain some solid support.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this post straight. Higher electricity bills for a couple months in Juneau is somehow being equated to entire communities being physically destroyed due to anthropogenic global warming and/or engineering negligence?

Also, the fake troll posts are pretty obvious.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Conservomom, you are a mom after my own heart! We do think alot alike. UNH obviously didn't have a mommy that loved him!

The Coffin Dancer said...

there haven't been any "troll posts" if I get your drift...

And I'm comparing throwing money away at a problem that will continue to get worse as opposed to some temporary relief.

Rebuilding New Orleans is about as stupid as me building a house during low tide and making the government bail me out when the tide comes in...Just takes a little longer till the next hurricane.

Someone will probably think your post was a "troll post"

Anonymous said...

"sickofjuneauwhining" and "unh grad in ak" are the fakes. As for New Orleans, Katrina wouldn't have been a disaster if the levee hasn't been neglected. Hey, the transmission lines to Snettisham are only going to get avalanched again, so maybe we should just abandon Juneau!

The Coffin Dancer said...

I'm not sure what you're seeing that makes you think I have fake posters on here..? I hope your wrong...

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymouse....if you are referring to anthropogenic causes for the MAJOR cause of global warming (or cooling), you are seriously wrong. The overwhelming main cause (98% or more) is caused by the variability of the sun's cosmic rays and the variations in the earth's orbit. CO2 emissions, in particular those caused by humans, play an extremely small role in the overall senario.

I would hope that our politicians would focus on helping people adapt to these natural changes rather than legislate regulations to try to control the earth's temperature. That would be a useless waste of millions or billions of dollars and would have a serious impact our economy with extremely little impact.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you anonymous! I might act a little madder at your stupidness but I am as real as youl ever be! Ms. Prancer wishes he was me.

Anonymous said...

unh can't be serious! Why would dancer wish he could be you? He seems like a very level headed person with a brain! You must be jealous!
I bet his family loves him unlike yours. Just your jealousy showing through!