Monday, May 19, 2008

Very busy the last few days...

I'm putting together a Boycott SEACC post. Any links you can provide in this endeavor would be appreciated. I should be back tomorrow morning with the post.

Thanks for your patience,


Mr. Not PC said...

Would be awesome to shed some light on the financial impacts to SE Alaska's workforce through the delays and project killing "studies" as a result of SEACC's endless pursuit to kill all resource development.
What does SEACC contribute to the economy other than feeding another granola team of lawyers and wannabe lawyers salaries?
We need to knock them down to size before we regress to a population of 15,000 of nothing but government retirees and trust funders.

ConservoMom said...

Let's see they destroyed both the pulp mills that was a couple thousand workers at $40K a year plus the folks that worked in the woods, another thousand or so at anywhere from $30K to $60K a year. They cried for "responsible development" but destroyed most of the shingle mills that were taking the junk the pulp mills wouldn't take another 60 or so jobs at $35K+ a year. Now their little minions like Jerry Jones are harvesting the prime spruce trees to make music wood at about 4 jobs around $20k a year if they are lucky. They destroyed the communities of Thorne Bay, Coffman Cove, Naukati, Wrangell plus countless other smaller camps that just poof disappeared. Once they wiped out the loggers they took on the miners. Next will be the fishermen. They want all of southeast locked up into pristine wilderness so they can have their own little renaissance fairs in the wilds of the Tongass supported by their trust funds.......yet they still wipe their butts with toilet paper made from trees and wear gold and silver jewelry! Go figure. God they are scumbags of the highest sort.

The Coffin Dancer said...

Thanks for the info from both of you...I'm working on it!

I lived in Ketchikan during it's heyday and have been back since...Very sad. With a renewable resource like timber there is no excuse for that. Now we have to get wood overseas where they are not monitored and are not reseeding...Pathetic!

ConservoMom said...

CD, have you checked their website, that's usually a fountain of information about the ne'er do wells that comprise SEACC. Let me know what I can do to help.